Meeting Time: May 20, 2020 at 10:00am MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

18 Consideration of Citizen Petition Regarding Council Meeting Times

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    Shawn Severud over 4 years ago

    I absolutely support this. The council needs to work to continue to improve public accessibility. Please vote to bring before the full council.

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    Jim Kemmeries over 4 years ago

    The proliferation of billboards negatively impacts the City livability and aesthetics. They promote vaping, alcohol, firearms, and other items that are prohibited on school grounds.The residents most directly affected by this change have not received any kind of direct notice such as a posting on the properties that have already been selected. How much more visual and light pollution is the City of Phoenix willing to accept? The billboard companies want it all and keep chipping away to get it.

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    Christina Eichelkraut, Camelback East Village Planning Committee | Greater Orangedale Neighborhood Association over 4 years ago

    I am grateful to the city clerk's office for meeting with me to discuss this petition. I am also in full support of the tech advances forced by the COVID-19 pandemic that undoubtedly increase accessibility to meetings. However, the report itself leaves much to be desired. It fails to examine the potential advantages of moving meeting times or acknowledge the social stratification exacerbated by the current time (e.g., low-wage workers with no control over their own schedules can't attend).