We encourage the council to approve staff’s request to enter into a master agreement and authorize the execution of amendments based on the expenditure authority requested.
AGC's letter of May 18, 2020 outlines provisions in title 34, chapter 2. Attachments in that letter indicate the current dollar thresholds required for projects to be performed by a qualified outside contractor. This project exceeds those thresholds and is required to be awarded to the qualified contractor.
I will give my speaking time to Mario Ayala, president of AFSCME Local 2384.
I would like to donate my time to Dan Bonnett
I would like to give my time to Dan Bonnett
We encourage the council to approve staff’s request to enter into a master agreement and authorize the execution of amendments based on the expenditure authority requested.
AGC's letter of May 18, 2020 outlines provisions in title 34, chapter 2. Attachments in that letter indicate the current dollar thresholds required for projects to be performed by a qualified outside contractor. This project exceeds those thresholds and is required to be awarded to the qualified contractor.