Meeting Time: June 08, 2020 at 11:00am MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

2 Reconsideration of Item 44 from the June 3, 2020 Formal Council Meeting - Adoption of the Tentative 2020-21 Annual Budget (Ordinance S-46650)

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    Emily Wagner over 4 years ago

    I support defunding the police ***UNION***. They are the organization responsible for giving cover to bad cops.

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    Sarah Hall over 4 years ago

    I urge you to reduce, rather than increase, the budget for the police. We need community-based initiatives to support people experiencing homelessness, substance abuse, and mental health crises--not more police. The Phoenix police remains one of the deadliest in the nation and is not a reliable steward of public safety.

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    Katie Surrey over 4 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Juan Herrera over 4 years ago

    Please Support our Phoenix PD. I live in district 8 and its a mess. We need our cops over here.
    Do not defund our police, you are only hurting the people if you do.

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    Emily Bernstein over 4 years ago

    Fund the civilian review board and do not give Phoenix Pd a $25 million raise!

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    Devon Austin over 4 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Danny Simonet over 4 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Xanthia Walker over 4 years ago

    Please do not increase funding to PHX PD. Instead, fund community wellbeing programs and fully fund the CRB! This is critical to the health and safety of our Phoenix community. Practice courageous leadership now and fund the CRB.

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    Murray Rosen over 4 years ago

    Given that the City already has a 23 million dollar deficit I don't think adding to this at this time makes fiscal sense. Also I would suggest that rather than focus on creating a new office for police oversight that more emphasis be placed on police training. All the city's that have been most impacted by the protests currently have review boards for police actions. Training is the only thing that will really make a difference.

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    Ron Russell over 4 years ago

    Please insure that the Civilian Review Board and the Office of Oversight and Accountability are fully funded.

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    Kinley Ragan over 4 years ago

    We need change. Increasing police funding is a bandaid. We need a solution. This will be seen in social programs. We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Sarah Sullivan over 4 years ago

    The current budget is on the wrong side of history. We call upon you to do the right thing Phoenix City Council must fully fund OAT and CRB with $3 million. The City of Phoenix also needs to reallocate their $25 million budget increase to mental health and youth programs, INSTEAD OF cutting those programs by 25%

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    Hannah Sydiongco over 4 years ago

    I ask that you vote against the $25 million pay raise that is included in this budget. It is a shame that as cities across the country are reimagining and reinvesting in safety away from police and investing in things like mental health and youth, Phoenix is considering a pay increase for police!

    It is time for you to take immediate action and defund the police. Invest in programs in our communities that improve our health and lives. Vote against the $25 million pay raise for police.

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    Melanie Delgado over 4 years ago

    WE NEED PHOENIX PD. With all the protest, rioting, and looting BS they are the ones who have stood up and protected us in these hard times. DO NOT DEFUND OUR DEPARTMENT SUPPORT PHOENIX PD. I live in a high crime area, and they are always there when i need them.

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    Aaron Kane over 4 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Jayson Matthews over 4 years ago

    I ask that Mayor and Council oppose the current budget allocation of $400K for the Office of Accountability and Transparency and reconsider an allocation that is closer to the recommended $2.9M to fund this important office.

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    Stephanie Searer over 4 years ago

    The current budget sends the wrong message to Phoenix minorities and police. It tells minorities, we are ignoring your needs. It tells police that we support business as usual. We need to send the right message to both parties. Please fully fund the civilian review board and the office of oversight and accountability.

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    Ismael Morales over 4 years ago

    These comments do not reflect my positions on any commission I serve in this city. I definitely agree that we need the $3 million for the CRB. Police need accountability and I know that councilmembers can step that up to that challenge. I am also aware that there are labor binding contracts that the city needs to abide. If there is a way to redirect the $25 million that is non-personnel related, then that is the way to go. In 2021, some bargaining units go into negotiations. Food 4 thought.

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    Cecilia Nguyen over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the funds allocated the Phoenix PD and demand that you allocate those funds to civilian oversight. We need our Phoenix PD to be held accountable for their actions, we need funds for our education system, health care (including mental health care), aid for the homeless, those who are unemployed, those who need help with housing. Please give back to the community and cut back on the funding of the police who continue to terrorize our black and brown communities. Listen to us.

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    Dean Ashworth over 4 years ago

    Support Our Phoenix Police. It's obvious in a time like this they are essential and needed. We need them more now than ever. Mental health budgeting doesn't help control protests and protect the city. SUPPORT PHOENIX PD not criminals.