Meeting Time: June 08, 2020 at 11:00am MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

12 (CONTINUED FROM JUNE 3, 2020) - Public Hearing - Biennial Certified Audit of Land Use Assumptions, Infrastructure Improvement Plan and Development Fees

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    Rev Dr Lydia GonzalezDross over 4 years ago

    I pray that the City Council and the Mayor to do the right thing. Today is World Civility Day, a proclamation signed by the City of Phoenix Mayor. We need our 9-1-1, EMSA, Fire, and Police. We need the rule of law- defunding only will increase more violence and more deaths. Last night fire downtown is an example. Had they not responded, more buildings would have been burned down. Is that the fate of our City- we need the Police Academy to be reformed. Look at how you are training your officers.