Would like to see you extend the area you are going to serve to include the businesses and neighborhoods around the Homeless Service Neighborhood, to extend to Madison St and 15th Ave.
Downtown Phoenix Inc. (DPI) originally contracted with the City in 2016 to implement the work program for the Downtown Enhanced Municipal Services District (EMSD). DPI has enthusiastically served, and looks forward to continuing to serve, as the City’s conduit to the Downtown core. Specific to the EMSD, DPI is uniquely qualified to serve as the provider of services due to its shared staff resources and the symbiotic relationship it has with street level businesses, property owners & residents.
Would like to see you extend the area you are going to serve to include the businesses and neighborhoods around the Homeless Service Neighborhood, to extend to Madison St and 15th Ave.
Downtown Phoenix Inc. (DPI) originally contracted with the City in 2016 to implement the work program for the Downtown Enhanced Municipal Services District (EMSD). DPI has enthusiastically served, and looks forward to continuing to serve, as the City’s conduit to the Downtown core. Specific to the EMSD, DPI is uniquely qualified to serve as the provider of services due to its shared staff resources and the symbiotic relationship it has with street level businesses, property owners & residents.