Meeting Time: June 23, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2 Comprehensive Homeless Solutions Plan

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    Bill Morlan over 4 years ago

    As a Founding Member of Madison Pioneers Coalition, I am shocked that the City has not asked for input from the community or the service providers as you prepared your “comprehensive” plan to address homelessness. It is critical that all of the neighborhoods that will be most directly impacted are given an opportunity to make their voices heard. I urge you to use this “plan” as the start of a conversation that will include EVERYONE who will be impacted.

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    Zoe De Leo over 4 years ago

    It is incredibly disheartening to know City Council has decided to vote on homelessness issues without consultation from residents and more importantly service providers who have been doing this work and are on the ground. I’m curious to see how the Council even made these plans with no collaboration and expect them to bring any justice to the thousand homeless individuals in DT Phoenix that city council has allowed to die on the streets while the council neglects to put the zoning to a vote.

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    renee guillory over 4 years ago

    We need to advocate for better information to help solve issues related to homelessness in our community and take much better care of our homeless friends and family. Please consult different homeless shelters around the valley for hands-on experience!

    Please make an account with your email and password, then comment or register to speak to let them know we need input from professionals to really help our fellow people on the streets!

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    Nadine Alauria over 4 years ago

    I’m writing in as an owner of a 45 year business in Sunnyslope. Sunnyslope definitely needs more resources and dedicated hands-on out reach as a homeless hotspot. I’m in favor of resources for the Sunnyslope homeless situation. I would also love to see a City of Phoenix Homeless Court, That is modeled after the Mesa Homeless court. In MESA, they intervene much earlier with options to actually get people OFF the streets & connect w/ resources earlier — PLEASE LOOK at Mesa’s model.

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    Jenna Horner over 4 years ago

    How can the public comment on a plan we do not have access to? How can you make a decision for the public without the public? Involve those who work directly with our unsheltered relatives. You cannot accurately know where the needs are without this input.

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    Lauren Schellhase over 4 years ago

    I sincerely hope this meeting finally grants the (300 additional!) beds to the Human Services Campus. Why wasn't this vote presented to the public?

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    Paris Moore over 4 years ago

    It is not okay to vote on a plan for homelessness in Phoenix without public input! Talk to the community before you make decisions that will deeply affect the community.

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    Kyle Dickey over 4 years ago

    As a constituent of district 6, I both agree and disagree with your formation of the plan. Councilmembers should consider your staff members yes, but more-so the organizations that support your homeless citizens every day. Go to places like Andre House, UMom, Homebase Youth Services, House Of Refuge in Sunnyslope, staff members of Central Arizona
    Shelter services, Phoenix Dream Center, Terros Safe Haven, and more to get comprehensive ideas for homeless reform. Bring your citizens back home.

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    Craig Tribken over 4 years ago

    I want to withdraw my request to speak. Emergency dental work! Thank you

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    Wendy Johnson over 4 years ago

    Justa Center appreciates the idea of a Comprehensive Homeless Solutions Plan. It is disappointing that it didn't include (yet) key service providers with expertise in homelessness of all ages. It is estimated that senior homelessness will triple in the next six years. There are very few organizations with Justa Center's experience with homeless seniors to provide comprehensive support to age-in-place. There is more to ending homelessness than just a voucher when it comes to seniors.

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    Darlene Newsom over 4 years ago

    UMOM supports the Comprehensive Homeless Solutions Plan to increase and expand services for some of the most vulnerable that live in our community. There should never be a homeless child living on the streets in the City of Phoenix. The city needs to expand emergency shelter beds for all homeless populations, including youth, individuals and families.

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    Rev Dan Ponisciak over 4 years ago

    While I am happy there is a plan, I am disappointed that it was created without talking to many of the service providers working with those experiencing homelessness. At no point did the City of Phoenix ask for collaboration from Andre House, but we remain committed to supporting the City in its development of a regional plan to end homelessness. We hope that the needs of those Phoenix residents living on the streets are taken into account rather than what we, the privileged, think they need.

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    Amy Schwabenlender over 4 years ago

    While I applaud the City of Phoenix for proposing solutions to address homelessness, I am not able to comment on the specifics as no one at my organization has seen a draft or been asked for input, data or ideas. I look forward to hearing the plan to understand the role that social services providers might play in it. Mayor and Council also state they would like regional solutions, and I want to learn how the City will coordinate with other cities in the Region. One city cannot solve this alone.

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    Joe Keeper over 4 years ago

    Native American Connections supports the City of Phoenix's continued efforts in addressing the long-term solutions to positively impact the homeless population in our community.

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    Lisa Glow over 4 years ago

    The City of Phoenix's leadership at this challenging time for our homeless neighbors is critical. The Cares Act funding allocated to get more people quickly housed, as well as funding to shelter our most medically vulnerable, senior homeless individuals is an important part of the solution. .