The American Subcontractors Association of Arizona (ASA) opposes this item. Impacted industry stakeholders have not had an opportunity to provide critical feedback on the proposed Prevailing Wage ordinance, which will place enormous compliance burdens on contractors who are already struggling in today’s economy. Ryan DeMenna, Registered Lobbyist with the City of Phoenix
The Associated Minority Contractors of Arizona strongly oppose this bill since it is detrimental to the Minority, Women, Small, Veteran, and Disadvantaged Contracting Community. If I am not mistaken, this bill is unlawful under A.R.S. 34-321.
A study from Cal Berkeley showed that federal Davis-Bacon requirements increase the cost of affordable housing from 9% to 39%, depending on the location. Housing affordability is already a crisis in Phoenix. Let's not make it worse. Our general laborers are already paid upwards of $19 per hour, far higher than the $10.80 prevailing wage, and Davis-Bacon eliminates many locally-based small and minority-owned contractors from competing due to the complexity of compliance, weekly payrolls, etc..
The Arizona Chapter of NAIOP, the commercial real estate development association, is opposed to this measure due to the damaging impact it could have on economic development efforts, especially public private partnerships. We should be focused on economic recovery, not putting barriers in place to development.
The Arizona Multihousing Association (AMA) opposes this item due to its impact on affordable housing. One prominent study on local Prevailing Wage laws and their impact on Low Income Housing Tax Credit projects indicted that such laws increased the cost of affordable housing construction by 9-37%. These added construction costs will undermine the city's "Housing Phoenix" plan that was unanimously approved just last week.
Jake Hinman for AMA, Registered Lobbyist with the City of Phoenix
Phoenix and Arizona as a whole, have some of the greatest wage disparities in the country. The people that build Phoenix should not be exploited by their own local government. Pay a livable wage so workers can afford to live in the homes that they’re building.
Under prevailing wage laws, contractors are forced to compete on the basis of who can best train, best equip and best manage a construction crew, not on the basis of who can assemble the cheapest, most exploitable workforce, either locally or through importing workers from elsewhere. When this workforce comes in it takes away local jobs and our local markets are truly being undercut by exploiting those workers and driving down wages and standards for all.
The Home Builders Association of Central Arizona ("HBACA") opposes this item. We do not believe the City has the legal authority to enact such an ordinance under A.R.S. 34-321. Additionally, the likely effect would be to increase construction costs in the City, including for new homes, depriving many families the opportunity for the safety, security, and stability that comes with home ownership. Jackson Moll, V.P. of Municipal Affairs, HBACA, Registered lobbyist with the City of Phoenix.
I support City of Phoenix Prevailing wage. Prevailing wage increases hiring of local public work - these businesses and their workers invest and spend more in their own communities. Prevailing wage also supports apprenticeship programs, helping address skilled labor shortage and ensuring a stable supply of well-trained local construction workers who will more likely not leave our city in search for a hire wage in another city.
Having personally built much of infrastructure here in the Phoenix Valley i would strongly suggest looking into a Prevailing Wage Ordnance. Prevailing Wage has provided my family here locally. I would like to see other Arizonans have the same opportunity i had and the opportunity to raise their families with dignity and a livable wage! My name is Jim Stewart and I approve this message
My name is Robert Franco, I have worked in the construction industry for 29 years. I have worked on prevailing wage jobs and there is nothing like working next to skilled workers who take pride in what they do. Prevailing Wage jobs also gives the workers a sense of accomplishment by giving them time and money to spend on their families. I support the Request for Consideration to Research a Prevailing Wage Ordinance.
I have worked in this state for over 30 yrs , Build many bridges my DNA is all over this state .I have been able to raise my children On prevailing wage. I hector Hernandez strongly support the eight-hour rule request for consideration to research a prevailing wage ordinance .thank you
The Arizona Rock Products Association opposes the Eight-Hour Rule Request for Consideration to Research a Prevailing Wage Ordinance. The prevailing wage proposal is clearly unlawful according to A.R.S. Section 34-321.
The American Subcontractors Association of Arizona (ASA) opposes this item. Impacted industry stakeholders have not had an opportunity to provide critical feedback on the proposed Prevailing Wage ordinance, which will place enormous compliance burdens on contractors who are already struggling in today’s economy. Ryan DeMenna, Registered Lobbyist with the City of Phoenix
The Associated Minority Contractors of Arizona strongly oppose this bill since it is detrimental to the Minority, Women, Small, Veteran, and Disadvantaged Contracting Community. If I am not mistaken, this bill is unlawful under A.R.S. 34-321.
Strongly oppose!
I strongly oppose this bill.
Alisa Lyons on behalf of Valley Partnership
Registered lobbyist with the City of Phoenix
I oppose this bill.
A study from Cal Berkeley showed that federal Davis-Bacon requirements increase the cost of affordable housing from 9% to 39%, depending on the location. Housing affordability is already a crisis in Phoenix. Let's not make it worse. Our general laborers are already paid upwards of $19 per hour, far higher than the $10.80 prevailing wage, and Davis-Bacon eliminates many locally-based small and minority-owned contractors from competing due to the complexity of compliance, weekly payrolls, etc..
The Arizona Chapter of NAIOP, the commercial real estate development association, is opposed to this measure due to the damaging impact it could have on economic development efforts, especially public private partnerships. We should be focused on economic recovery, not putting barriers in place to development.
The Arizona Multihousing Association (AMA) opposes this item due to its impact on affordable housing. One prominent study on local Prevailing Wage laws and their impact on Low Income Housing Tax Credit projects indicted that such laws increased the cost of affordable housing construction by 9-37%. These added construction costs will undermine the city's "Housing Phoenix" plan that was unanimously approved just last week.
Jake Hinman for AMA, Registered Lobbyist with the City of Phoenix
Phoenix and Arizona as a whole, have some of the greatest wage disparities in the country. The people that build Phoenix should not be exploited by their own local government. Pay a livable wage so workers can afford to live in the homes that they’re building.
Under prevailing wage laws, contractors are forced to compete on the basis of who can best train, best equip and best manage a construction crew, not on the basis of who can assemble the cheapest, most exploitable workforce, either locally or through importing workers from elsewhere. When this workforce comes in it takes away local jobs and our local markets are truly being undercut by exploiting those workers and driving down wages and standards for all.
The Home Builders Association of Central Arizona ("HBACA") opposes this item. We do not believe the City has the legal authority to enact such an ordinance under A.R.S. 34-321. Additionally, the likely effect would be to increase construction costs in the City, including for new homes, depriving many families the opportunity for the safety, security, and stability that comes with home ownership. Jackson Moll, V.P. of Municipal Affairs, HBACA, Registered lobbyist with the City of Phoenix.
I support City of Phoenix Prevailing wage. Prevailing wage increases hiring of local public work - these businesses and their workers invest and spend more in their own communities. Prevailing wage also supports apprenticeship programs, helping address skilled labor shortage and ensuring a stable supply of well-trained local construction workers who will more likely not leave our city in search for a hire wage in another city.
Having personally built much of infrastructure here in the Phoenix Valley i would strongly suggest looking into a Prevailing Wage Ordnance. Prevailing Wage has provided my family here locally. I would like to see other Arizonans have the same opportunity i had and the opportunity to raise their families with dignity and a livable wage! My name is Jim Stewart and I approve this message
My name is Robert Franco, I have worked in the construction industry for 29 years. I have worked on prevailing wage jobs and there is nothing like working next to skilled workers who take pride in what they do. Prevailing Wage jobs also gives the workers a sense of accomplishment by giving them time and money to spend on their families. I support the Request for Consideration to Research a Prevailing Wage Ordinance.
I have worked in this state for over 30 yrs , Build many bridges my DNA is all over this state .I have been able to raise my children On prevailing wage. I hector Hernandez strongly support the eight-hour rule request for consideration to research a prevailing wage ordinance .thank you
The Arizona Rock Products Association opposes the Eight-Hour Rule Request for Consideration to Research a Prevailing Wage Ordinance. The prevailing wage proposal is clearly unlawful according to A.R.S. Section 34-321.