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Agenda Item
91 (CONTINUED FROM JULY 1, 2020) - Public Hearing and Ordinance Adoption - Amend City Code - Rezoning Application PHO-1-19--Z-165-06-7(8) - Northwest Corner of 35th Avenue and Carver Road (Ordinance G-6718)
I ask that you stand with the community and Councilman Garcia and oppose the applicant's request for high-density zoning in this area. It is incompatible with the surrounding community. A compromise to R1-18 zoning is a far move from the original stipulations and is more than accommodating to the developers. Please hear and listen to the voices of the neighbors who reside in this area because of its unique, low-density qualities. Thank you.
I am opposed to the applicant's proposal and the Planning Commission's recommendation but support Councilman Garcia's proposed compromise. Please donate my speaking time to Lisa Vializ.
I am opposed to the applicant's proposal and the Planning Commission's recommendation. I am for responsible developement, however this plan does not fit into the valley where every lot is at least one acre in size.
I ask that you stand with the community and Councilman Garcia and oppose the applicant's request for high-density zoning in this area. It is incompatible with the surrounding community. A compromise to R1-18 zoning is a far move from the original stipulations and is more than accommodating to the developers. Please hear and listen to the voices of the neighbors who reside in this area because of its unique, low-density qualities. Thank you.
I am opposed to the applicant's proposed development as it is incompatible with the area. Please deny the application as filed and support the community and Councilmember Garcia. I donate my speaking time to Jon Kimoto.
My husband and I are oppose to the applicant's proposal as filed. We are agreeable to the rezoning to R1-18 and feel this is the best compromise both sides are going to be able to come to. Our neighborhood consists of acre(s) properties which is why a high density housing development does not fit the area. Please support the community in this issue. I would also like to donate my speaking time to Lisa Vializ.
I am opposed to the applicant's proposal. I would be agreeable to Councilman Garcia's proposed compromise, but no more. This site is incompatible for the applicant's requested zoning and will destroy the atmosphere in the neighborhood. They knew or should have known the zoning when they purchased the property. The residents in the area should not be punished for their lack of due diligence or calculated gamble.
I am opposed to Agenda item 91 on the city's August 26 meeting agenda.
Laws are laws. If zoning laws were traffic laws, this developer has been cited for speeding and is asking the judge to excuse their going 20 miles over the limit just because they were not going the 40 miles over the limit they initially wanted to go.
Do you think the judge should accept that argument and allow the person to speed? Say why.
Please enforce the laws equally and oppose Item 91.
Please donate my time to Cyd Manning. I am OPPOSED to the applicant’s proposal and the Planning Commission's recommendation. Please listen to the people that live in this area, not the ones that only want to profit.
I want to donate speaker time for the August 26 City Council meeting to Cyd Manning
This DOES NOT conform to the area or zoning for the area. Why even consider!!! Hope you council members are actually listening to your constituents and not just builders and their pressure to allow building at all costs for the almighty dollar. Laveen has had a chance to allow for responsible and frankly cool development.........but must work with the community!
Please take the time to review the letters being sent in by the Community as well as the history on this case. The time is NOW to stand with the Community and CM Garcia..Deny this case as filed or vote to support the Community proposed plan, which is a true and reasonable compromise for this area. Do not be bullied by threats of legal action and strong arm tactics.
Mayor and Councilmembers, Please listen to and stand with the Community on this case. We have proposed a true compromise. We ask that you either DENY this case as filed OR alternatively approve the plan we have proposed, which gives both the Applicant and the community something to work with. Thank you!
I urge you to stand with and support the community and Councilmember Garcia on the subject case. The applicant's proposed development has been and is incompatible land use with the area and is the very description of speculative spot zoning. Please deny this case as filed or vote to approve the community proposed conforming land use plan and stipulations.
I oppose the applicant's proposal and agree with the community's concerns about the property.
I ask that you stand with the community and Councilman Garcia and oppose the applicant's request for high-density zoning in this area. It is incompatible with the surrounding community. A compromise to R1-18 zoning is a far move from the original stipulations and is more than accommodating to the developers. Please hear and listen to the voices of the neighbors who reside in this area because of its unique, low-density qualities. Thank you.
I oppose the applicant's proposal and agree with the community's concerns about the property.
Please donate my time to speak to Cyd Manning.
I am opposed to the applicant's proposal and the Planning Commission's recommendation but support Councilman Garcia's proposed compromise. Please donate my speaking time to Lisa Vializ.
I am opposed to the applicant's proposal and the Planning Commission's recommendation. I am for responsible developement, however this plan does not fit into the valley where every lot is at least one acre in size.
I ask that you stand with the community and Councilman Garcia and oppose the applicant's request for high-density zoning in this area. It is incompatible with the surrounding community. A compromise to R1-18 zoning is a far move from the original stipulations and is more than accommodating to the developers. Please hear and listen to the voices of the neighbors who reside in this area because of its unique, low-density qualities. Thank you.
I am opposed to the applicant's proposed development as it is incompatible with the area. Please deny the application as filed and support the community and Councilmember Garcia. I donate my speaking time to Jon Kimoto.
My husband and I are oppose to the applicant's proposal as filed. We are agreeable to the rezoning to R1-18 and feel this is the best compromise both sides are going to be able to come to. Our neighborhood consists of acre(s) properties which is why a high density housing development does not fit the area. Please support the community in this issue. I would also like to donate my speaking time to Lisa Vializ.
I am opposed to the applicant's proposal. I would be agreeable to Councilman Garcia's proposed compromise, but no more. This site is incompatible for the applicant's requested zoning and will destroy the atmosphere in the neighborhood. They knew or should have known the zoning when they purchased the property. The residents in the area should not be punished for their lack of due diligence or calculated gamble.
I am opposed to Agenda item 91 on the city's August 26 meeting agenda.
Laws are laws. If zoning laws were traffic laws, this developer has been cited for speeding and is asking the judge to excuse their going 20 miles over the limit just because they were not going the 40 miles over the limit they initially wanted to go.
Do you think the judge should accept that argument and allow the person to speed? Say why.
Please enforce the laws equally and oppose Item 91.
I wish to donate my speakers time to Cyd Manning
Please donate my time to Cyd Manning. I am OPPOSED to the applicant’s proposal and the Planning Commission's recommendation. Please listen to the people that live in this area, not the ones that only want to profit.
Please donate my speaking time to Cyd Manning. Letter sent previously to the Mayor and all Council Members. Thank you.
I want to donate speaker time for the August 26 City Council meeting to Cyd Manning
This DOES NOT conform to the area or zoning for the area. Why even consider!!! Hope you council members are actually listening to your constituents and not just builders and their pressure to allow building at all costs for the almighty dollar. Laveen has had a chance to allow for responsible and frankly cool development.........but must work with the community!
Please take the time to review the letters being sent in by the Community as well as the history on this case. The time is NOW to stand with the Community and CM Garcia..Deny this case as filed or vote to support the Community proposed plan, which is a true and reasonable compromise for this area. Do not be bullied by threats of legal action and strong arm tactics.
Mayor and Councilmembers, Please listen to and stand with the Community on this case. We have proposed a true compromise. We ask that you either DENY this case as filed OR alternatively approve the plan we have proposed, which gives both the Applicant and the community something to work with. Thank you!
I donate my speaking time to Cyd Manning, thank you.
I want to donate speaker time for the August 26 City Council meeting to Cyd Manning
I urge you to stand with and support the community and Councilmember Garcia on the subject case. The applicant's proposed development has been and is incompatible land use with the area and is the very description of speculative spot zoning. Please deny this case as filed or vote to approve the community proposed conforming land use plan and stipulations.