Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

19 (CONTINUED FROM AUG. 26, 2020) - Wilson Electric Services Corp dba Netsian Technologies Group Contract Amendment (Ordinance S-46854)

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    Mario Ayala about 4 years ago

    AFSCME Local 2384 cant support this item.

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    Christopher Todd about 4 years ago

    If there is going to be a BLM mural then we should do one for Blue lives Matter since there are Law Enforcement officers being killed everyday nationwide by criminals for protecting and serving their communities everyday.

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    Amy Penbury about 4 years ago

    Who will enforce and pay to maintain this mural from being tagged? Why are we pandering to a group that there is evidence in many cities of violence and destruction? If we allow a mural for them, then we will need to for other groups. This can get out of hand quickly. This group has caused so much pain and destruction in multiple cities. Please do not invite this here. So many people move to Arizona to get away from these types of divisive decisions. We are Arizona!

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    Tod Byers about 4 years ago

    I oppose this for a number of reasons, BLM is not what it says it is. Most of all they want to defund our police . We will be another NY with business moving away, and people also

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    Linda Showers about 4 years ago

    NO BLM MURALS IN OUR CITY! BLM is a self-proclaimed Marxist group, who wants to dismantle the nuclear family, as well as defund our Police, among other things (like loot and vandalize). This has NO place in our community! EVERY LIFE MATTERS! Don't give in to pressure from the MOB. If you defy the citizen's wishes and paint this, then you will be obligated to paint other political statements. Are you prepared for that? Don't deface our city.

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    Tanya Judd about 4 years ago


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    Linda Story about 4 years ago

    NO BLM murals anywhere in beautiful Phoenix or AZ for that matter! BLM is a race baiting, violent, lawless abusive racist group that claims they want equality! They have it! They just don't want to put in the work! I more than oppose BLM being allowed to paint anything that has to with them and or their agenda!!!!! VOTE NO for ALL citizens of Phoenix!!!!

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    Martin Lynch about 4 years ago

    BLM freedom of speech may be stupid but we can do better. We want another mural on 1st street, opposite the basketball stadium UYGHUR LIVES MATTER. These are the oppressed minority in China that are being exterminated by the Chi-Coms. If the NBA will only support BLM because of the money they from the Chi-Coms then we would have a violation of the 14th amendment equal protection clause because their NBA puppets have free speech but the people do not. Let the Jury decide. I love it.