Meeting Time: October 14, 2020 at 8:30am MST
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Agenda Item

2 Donation from Phoenix Police Foundation

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    Sana Doorani about 4 years ago

    I support whatever the Police need so long as they do not discriminate and show equality to all. And so long as they follow and abide by the City of Phoenix Rules a police officer should follow.

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    Jade B about 4 years ago

    Yes, I support. Give police what they need.

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    Steven Moose about 4 years ago

    I definitely support this. Crime is so bad in District 08, anything the Police need, give it to them. Carlos, do you job. The streets are a mess, there's broken glass human feces trash everywhere. We need more police.

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    Daryl Handler about 4 years ago

    I support whatever Police want or need. It's not our place to tell them what they need or don't need. They protect us. We respect and honor them.
    If Carlos Garcia is against this, he needs to give back his detail. Same for Mayor Kate.

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    Bailey Spears about 4 years ago

    More transparency should be provided to the public surrounding donations to the City from outside organizations. Especially when it comes to the police, information should be available for the public to understand the nature of the relationship between PHXPD and organizations such as the Phoenix Police Foundation to ensure there is no conflict of interest.

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    Nina Alonso about 4 years ago

    This is unnecessary.

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    Taylor J about 4 years ago

    I live in District 08 known as the dangerous district, since my councilman is a police hater but has his own detail.
    We need more police. It's not safe to walk around at night, and now daytime. Drug dealers everywhere, theft, a shooting yesterday. I support the Police getting anything they want to help with their job, and to keep us safe. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. We only have 4 detectives in missing children! For the entire city of phx- 5th largest City in the USA. More Police

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    Jennifer Thomas about 4 years ago

    I support whatever Police need to do their jobs. Police hater District 08 and Mayor, don't seem to care about Public safety in our community.

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    Sissy Veteran about 4 years ago

    I support.

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    Jisoo Kim about 4 years ago

    Over $200,000 for brand new equipment to fulfill some unjustified need? Council should not accept donations with such dangerous strings attached. PPD is big enough as it is, and civilians see no need for new equipment to respond to calls. Of course, retaining their image remains a priority for PPD as well: the Camaro “will be used … to support reserve officer recruitment efforts”. We are on a path to let PPD keep growing and growing, and we must reverse course.

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    Devin Slack about 4 years ago

    The City Council should not accept any donations from police unions. These UVT are most commonly used to harass protesters and aid in the unlawful arrest of citizens exercising their first amendment rights. The Phoenix PD is already bloated, overfunded and does not need any more equipment, especially military grade vehicles that will be used in to aid in violent suppression of peaceful protests. Phoenix PD terrorizes the community and needs to be demilitarized. No new equipment from any source.

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    Isabella Ospina about 4 years ago

    I am Isabella Ospina, over the age of 21, and a part of the Greater Phoenix Division of the American Heart Association. I am based in Phoenix and have been for 18 years. Flavored products are being used by 97% of middle and high school students using e-cigarettes. Please ask the City attorney to research all options to address the sale of flavored tobacco products, one that will withstand the industry efforts to create loopholes and exemptions and ensure they still have access to our youth.