Meeting Time: October 27, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

2A Strategies to Address Homelessness Plan

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    Bill Morlan over 4 years ago

    Moving forward, 3 things the City must focus on are:
    1) Involving other Cities, the County and the State so there is a true regional approach. Smaller shelters are more effective, and Central Phoenix cannot bear all the responsibility for addressing this issue.
    2) Actively including impacted neighborhoods in the implementation. They need a seat at the table.
    3) Finding a way to meaningfully address the service-resistant population who will not take advantage of the opportunities offered

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    Annie Newman over 4 years ago

    RE TASK FORCE. I was homeless for 5 years. I l have an MSW; 25 yrs in my field.But that did not prevent me from falling off a cliff. Permanent supportive housing with all of the pieces intact was what I needed.. I have been on both sides of the table. Using my experience helps make sense of it. Funding! Reality! Still , we can keep an eye on what ought to be. thank you for considering me for the task force.

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    Joel Coplin over 4 years ago

    I live and work a block from HSC and Andre house.
    I am a founding member of Madison Pioneer Coalition. I live near and help the homeless 24 hrs a day.
    Please vote NO; adopt Councilman DiCiccio's and Nowakowski's plan to move HSC to St. Lukes. It has covered parking areas, to house the service resistant. Lets find something that helps the communities, businesses and the homeless. This plan will help none of those but will exacerbate all our problems.

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    Veteran Sissy over 4 years ago

    I support only if Dunlap and Magee is not allowed to manage ANY of the new affordable housing. They neglect their properties. The properties aren't cleaned, sanitized for covid. We have 2 tenants with covid. They are rude abusive threatening to us seniors. We can't complain or were threatened with eviction or written up. Myself & others don't have money for food rent is too high aps is to expensive.
    We are scared at Deck Park Vista. We need affordable housing & not to live this way.

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    Brandi RC over 4 years ago

    I participated in the last point in time count, and found people behind trash cans in the same alleys as dead animal carcasses. That experience will haunt me forever. Please work the "Strategies to Address Homelessness" with all urgency, and with the understanding that local, county and state level partnership is imperative, and that the minimum number of people that need housing is more than the PIT count captured or extrapolated. COVID is swelling the numbers.

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    Laurel Langmade over 4 years ago

    Support Project Haven for Seniors, include those with diabetes. Important to have access to clean water
    -Hold HSC accountable to neighborhoods in the surrounding area. HSC does good work but their desire to expand to 1,000 beds is counterproductive to Plan
    -Smaller shelters spread throughout COP allows more local organizations, churches to help
    -Do everything you can to expand services to mentally ill
    -Make easy for effected neighborhoods to participate. HSC's zoning expansion has NOT

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    Roger Brevoort over 4 years ago

    Around the country, there is a direct correlation between adaptive use of existing housing, sometimes historic, being converted to affordable housing units. As the City addresses homelessness, it should look toward existing buildings and the potential for adaption to housing units. But there are other opportunities, perhaps utilizing large amounts of vacant retail space that have potential to be repurposed for housing.

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    Jim McPherson over 4 years ago

    Overall, the plan is very good. I do see an omission. There's no discussion or outline of programs to support the maintenance and improvement of existing housing stock. One of the major roadblocks in keeping up with the rising demand for affordable housing is the length of time to get projects through the approval process, construction, and to market. Strengthen efforts to renovate, retrofit, or reuse existing residential structures. Other benefits: neighborhood cohesion and energy efficiencies.

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    Michael Rodgers over 4 years ago

    As a neighborhood activist and Chair of the Papagovista Neighborhood Assn., I cannot fully support this strategy as I believe it does not effectively address the 'elephant in the room', which is the process of gaining the cooperation of the "service resistant" population. These are the people who are populating our neighborhood in east Phoenix, and the people we need to reach. Until we start considering proposals that work WITH human nature, we will never be TRULY EFFECTIVE in this pursuit.

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    Anne Ender over 4 years ago

    I am in support of this plan as long as the City is committed to provide transparency regarding the success or failure of the Service Providers contracted to work on getting the homeless in to services. Additionally, it will take collaboration with the City, the Services Providers and importantly, the neighborhoods.

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    cynthia graber over 4 years ago

    Cop needs to look at adopting the Mesa model of addressing homelessness. To include a team approach

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    Penny Allee Taylor over 4 years ago

    Valley of the Sun United Way supports the concept of the City's Strategies to Address Homelessness Plan that includes a set of guiding principles and continues an ongoing dialogue with the public that includes: evidenced based practices, funding, a Housing First model, leading with services (Homelessness will not be criminalized), partnerships, racial equity, reducing neighborhood impact, transparency, and leads to a regional approach for ending homelessness.

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    Mark Holleran over 4 years ago

    I yield my time to Mr. Craig Tribune

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    Barbara Lewkowitz over 4 years ago

    Hello Mayor, I do not wish to speak or comment but sincerely wish for the council to yield additional time for to former councilperson Craig Tribken. He and I have discussed this in depth.
    His observations on the plan reflect many of my views
    Thank you
    Barbara Lewkowitz