Meeting Time: October 27, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

2B (CONTINUED FROM OCT. 21, 2020) ADD-ON - Eight-Hour Rule Request to Research Intergovernmental Agreements Related to Affordable Housing and Homelessness

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    Steven Moose over 4 years ago

    We need affordable housing not just for homeless. We don't have enough 55+ housing. We need good management companies - NOT Dunlap & Magee. Companies that will maintain the property & not abuse the tenant's in their filthy buildings.
    Utilize old hotels, retail, anything. Put all resources. Rents are too high & I blame Ms. Mayor for this.

    I have a few people I'd like to recommend for the task force. I don't think they know about the meeting today. I can email you their names/contact info.

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    Annie Newman over 4 years ago

    I could add a perspective to the task force. I was homeless for 5 years. I have a master's degree. In social work. Nevertheless, I fell down a cliff... stabilized in permanent supportive housing. I was fortunate to participate in permanent supportive housing when it was fully intact. Little by little the pieces were stripped away.... And the environment fell down a slippery slope. Thank you. For considering me.

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    Veteran Sissy over 4 years ago

    We need more affordable housing now. For 55+ now. There's no place affordable to live. We need 150,000 immediate not 50,000.

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    Brandi RC over 4 years ago

    As many resources as can be allocated to Affordable Housing and Homelessness, should be. It has sounded like staff will be needed to coordinate with the County reps and the Governor's office.

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    Laurel Langmade over 4 years ago

    -Continue Project Haven for Seniors, include those with diabetes for clean water
    -Keep shelters smaller with less impact on neighborhood, easier to provide local support based on needs.
    -Don't let HSC expand to 1,000 beds. This is counter productive to Plan
    -Hold HSC accountable for problems created in surrounding areas. The work done by HSC is good but concentration of services leads to concentration of homeless and street people. This type of concentration seems counter-productive to the Plan