Meeting Time: November 04, 2020 at 9:00am MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

18 Climate Action Planning Update

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    Jackie Rich almost 4 years ago

    I support the City of Phoenix putting together this climate action plan. Phoenix cannot survive if our climate remains as hot and dry as it was last summer. However, 2060 is too long to wait for zero carbon emissions. I would support moving the zero carbon emissions goal to 2040, with substantial interim CO2 reduction deadlines. Even 2040 may be too late. Also the City needs to quantify the CO2 reductions associated with alternative actions and implement the most impactful first. Thank you.

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    Michelle Sullivan almost 4 years ago

    U-Haul appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Phoenix Climate Action Plan. Goals and actions outlined in the Plan align with ongoing initiatives by U-Haul to reduce ghg emissions and material waste, preserving resources for future generations. U-Haul supports efforts that further environmental stewardship and sustainability. We look forward to continuing the conversation around including shared-use services within TOD and other high density urban planning.

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    Jazmin Lombera almost 4 years ago

    Overall I support this initiative, but the city needs to adopt a lawn replacement program as part of this. Cities in much cooler areas are already moving towards these programs. They encourage natural landscapes and more desert-friendly greenery by making it more financially feasible. The city would be smart to adopt such policies to help encourage homeowners to reduce water use on their lawns.

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    Tajinder Uppal almost 4 years ago

    I am in support of the City's Climate Action Plan! Thank you City of Phoenix for addressing this important issue.

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    Emily Cowles almost 4 years ago

    I am in support of the climate action plan for the city!

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    Jane Koval almost 4 years ago

    The Climate Action Plan is an excellent framework that is neatly organized and very specific. Time is passing quickly as 2021 is just around the corner. The earth and sky will be above us until we are no longer alive. Let's leave things better for our future residents by being active pursuers of these goals.

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    Hilary Hartline almost 4 years ago

    I support the Climate Action Plan for the City of Phoenix.

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    Gabrielle Sequeira almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for making climate action and sustainability a priority, and for building a city that will outlive us all. The goals we set and the dreams we have may seem lofty or idealistic at times, but collectively, we have all the power that we need to create the kind of world that we want to live in. Hopefully for us all, that world is a flourishing one, where humans take care of the planet's natural balance of systems, biodiversity, and resources, and in return, the planet takes care of us.