Meeting Time: January 13, 2021 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

7 Report and Update on E-Cigarettes and Vaping for Under 21

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    Charles Gardner, Independent Consultant about 4 years ago

    Refs to US govt survey data & peer-reviewed studies available on request (not allowed by your system)

    E-cigarettes help adult smokers quit (4.3 million Americans so far)

    US teen vaping is not “epidemic”: High school vaping dropped 29% in 2019, and another 32% in 2020 (total decline = 52%)

    ‘Flavor’ bans have significant unintended consequences: Cigarette sales increase; teens switch to smoking & THC vaping; adult vapers relapse to smoking; fewer smokers quit; bootleg markets arise.

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    Jacqueline Dudo about 4 years ago

    I support the ban of flavored tobacco products. As an educator in Phoenix, I find it extremely concerning that 4/5 kids that have used tobacco started with a flavored product.Flavors give the appearance of candy, the appearance that a little indulgence is a good thing. Instead, we are setting youth up for failure by hooking them on Nicotine, which will lead to poorer outcomes in health and financially. I have seen my brother struggle with Nicotine, I don't want that same battle for my students.

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    Brad Hanson about 4 years ago

    I oppose the flavor ban. I have spoken to this in past meeting and hold the position that a ban does not answer the real problem. We govern ourselves by paying an outside company to come in and test us - the Franchisees at 7-Eleven pay for this. They want to make sure they are doing the right thing. The issue is with slipshod operators that don't comply - they are out for a buck. I still stand with a financial penalty, and then suspension of business for those that don't comply.

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    Walter Hummell about 4 years ago

    I spoke at one of the community listening sessions last month and am supportive of prohibiting the sale of ALL flavored tobacco in the City of Phoenix. As a sophomore in High School, I will be in class and not be able to attend this meeting, so would request time be delegated to Swati Rawani from Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids in my place.

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    patricia namisnak about 4 years ago

    Bans are not the answer. Too many people use and have used these products to help with their smoking addiction. Enforce the rules already in place, follow suit with the Federal 21 yr old to purchase and use these products.

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    Katie Mahoney about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose an e-liquid flavor ban. Studies show it only makes people return to smoking cigarettes. 480,000 people die each year from smoking related diseases per CDC. Raising the tobacco age to 21 to follow Federal law would be more conducive to helping shrink the vaping youth numbers. As an owner of 3 vapor shops, we already abide by the T21. The average age of our customers are 40-45. 80% of our sales are flavored e-liquid. If the ban passes, I will be forced to close my Phoenix store.

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    Geoffrey Brake about 4 years ago

    I oppose of banning flavors here are me reasons
    1. To many adults use this product inforce laws in place
    2. Kids need to fined for having any vapor or tabacoo products on school campus not a slap on the wrist saying not to do it again that doesn't work
    3. You will force many out of jobs retail and have to close doors to many companys
    4. Raise fines for selling to a minor
    5.inforce a law for straw purchases
    6.inforce t21 already in place

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    Tate Peak about 4 years ago

    Banning flavored e-liquid would only increase cigarette use, and hurt local businesses. The juices are easy to make and get supplies for. Legislation banning them would be ineffective in reducing their popularity. I started smoking as a teenager, it being illegal never stopped me. Criminalization of substances is historically ineffective in reducing their use. Save our kids by funding schools and communities instead of making more laws to feed people into the so called "justice" system.

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    Pamela Duarte about 4 years ago

    I speak in support of this policy. As a 17-year-old and current high school senior in Arizona, I have seen first-hand the effect tobacco-products have on my peers and close friends; they were first intrigued by the flavors and then found themselves addicted. Currently, 1 in 6 Arizona high school students use e-cigarettes mostly for the appealing flavors available. Thus, passing this policy will make these products less attractive and reverse the growing rate of use among our youth.

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    Josh Stewart about 4 years ago

    Bans are not the answer. Too many people use and have used these products to help with their smoking addiction. Enforce the rules already in place, follow suit with the Federal 21 yr old to purchase and use these products.

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    David Morris about 4 years ago

    I oppose banning flavored eliquid because other cities that have done this have seen many people return to deadly cigarettes.

    However, I support raising the age to legally purchase tobacco products to 21, since other cities that have done this have seen a dramatic decrease in youth vaping and smoking.

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    Aaron Hamu about 4 years ago

    flavors save lives t21 is working and we should adopt the age increase and require vape shops to get licensing to restrict youth access not ban flavors prohibitions never works

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    Melissa Shedd about 4 years ago

    Banning of any product creates the need for black markets which in turns puts everyone at risk of receiving inferior products. With our government in such terrible shape from elections and scandals I would hope we as adults have more important things to focus our time on to make changes that help our fellow Americans versus condemn them. By asking for a ban on flavors you are deciding that no adult can make a healthier choice for themselves because you don't agree.

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    Amanda Wheeler about 4 years ago

    The Arizona Smoke Free Business Alliance is opposed to youth use of vapor products & believes anyone supplying these products to minors needs to be held accountable via a strong licensure program & stiff penalties.However, flavored products comprise > 90% of vape shops revenue & a flavor ban will shut down these businesses. Adults use these products to stop smoking. Focus on enforcement of 21 age limit, getting bad actors out of the market, & increasing spending on youth education & prevention.

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    Maribeth England about 4 years ago

    I am a resident of district 4 and someone who was able to quit smoking with the help of flavored vapor products. The federal government already placed restrictions of sale to over 21 and banned flavored vapor. If retailers are forced to stop selling what products were deemed legal for adults, customers will drive to a neighboring city or purchase their products on-line. Retailers are already suffering economic losses due to the COVID pandemic, this will hurt small Phoenix businesses even more.

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    William Sagert about 4 years ago

    After all, lawmakers who get it wrong may very well accidentally increase youth or adult smoking, or help create a black market.