Meeting Time: March 10, 2021 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 Authorization to Apply for FY 2021 Homeland Security Grant Program Funds

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    Jessica Spencer almost 4 years ago

    Vote NO on this request! Tell PPD that just like any other department in the city, their budget should be slashed instead of increased when they fck up. And let’s be real, targeting protesters & celebrating your violence with neo-Nazi coins is a pretty big fck up on a national scale. You already gave PPD permission to get reimbursed for riots that never happened, now you want them to get more money for equipment that they’ll use to kill the very public you’re supposed to serve? #DefundPhxPD

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    Estevan Sanchez almost 4 years ago

    PPD is getting investigated for being white supremacists who exploit their power to send their critics to prison, but the City and this subcommittee are trying to get them even more money. You still won’t talk about what really matters to people who are being killed day in, day out by your police force! Vote NO on this grant and finally show you’re not just a bunch of enablers. If you won’t defund PPD, at least don’t let them find other ways to make more money off our deaths. #DefundPhxPD

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    Anesia Groves almost 4 years ago

    Vote NO on this request! Tell PPD that just like any other department in the city, their budget should be slashed instead of increased when they fu** up. And let’s be real, targeting protesters & celebrating your violence with neo-Nazi coins is a pretty big fu**up on a national scale. You already gave PPD permission to get reimbursed for riots that never happened, now you want them to get more money for equipment that they’ll use to kill the very public you’re supposed to serve? #DefundPhxPD

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    Jisoo Kim almost 4 years ago

    Last time it was barking dogs, now it’s “let’s find new ways to reward our neo-nazi police force with public funds for all the people they’ve already managed to kill and cage this year”. We already know PPD will use this Homeland Security money to brand protests as “riots” after they violently assault people demanding justice & book them as gangs. How many times do we have to prove they can’t be trusted with any of the money you keep throwing at them? They already have $745 million. Vote NO.

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    Chelsea Hickok almost 4 years ago

    Vote NO on this request! Tell PPD that just like any other department in the city, their budget should be slashed instead of increased when they mess up. And let’s be real, targeting protesters and celebrating your violence with neo-Nazi coins is a pretty big mess up on a national scale. You already gave PPD permission to get reimbursed for riots that never happened, now you want them to get more money for equipment that they’ll use to kill the very public you’re supposed to serve? #DefundPhxPD

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    Jessica Schmidt almost 4 years ago

    Last time it was barking dogs, now it’s “let’s find new ways to reward our neo-nazi police force with public funds for all the people they’ve already managed to kill and cage this year”. We already know PPD will use this Homeland Security money to brand protests as “riots” after they violently assault people demanding justice & book them as gangs. How many times do we have to prove they can’t be trusted with any of the money you keep throwing at them? They already have 745 mil in funds. Vote NO.

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    Cynthia McWhorter almost 4 years ago

    Last time it was barking dogs, now it’s “let’s find new ways to reward our neo-nazi police force with public funds for all the people they’ve already managed to kill and cage this year”. We all know PPD will use this Homeland Security money to brand protests as “riots” after they violently assault people demanding justice & book them as gangs. How many times do we have to prove they can’t be trusted with any of the money you keep throwing at them? They already have 745 million in funds. Vote NO.

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    Laura Hudson almost 4 years ago

    SHSP and UASI funds are designated to fight terrorism in urban communities. The PPD is already abusing their power by treating legal protesters as terrorists. More funds means more abuse of and danger to the community and more lawsuits. Accepting Homeland Security funds will not serve safety and justice in our community. Do the right thing. Pass on the homeland security money.

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    Dlorah Conover almost 4 years ago

    PPD is getting investigated for being white supremacists who exploit their power to send their critics to prison, but the City and this subcommittee are trying to get them even more money. You still won’t talk about what really matters to people who are being killed day in, day out by your police force! Vote NO on this grant and finally show you’re not just a bunch of enablers. If you won’t defund PPD, at least don’t let them find other ways to make more money off our deaths. #DefundPhxPD

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    Amy Kaper almost 4 years ago

    PPD is being investigated for neo-nazi cops and lying to persecute protesters and you want to give them MORE money to do so??

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    Helen Mendizabal almost 4 years ago

    Public Safety & Justice is the name of this subcommittee. Yet none of you do anything at all to promote public safety or justice! In fact you support and promote further violence from PPD by funding them and refusing to use your power to hold them accountable. We have to create citizen’s petitions to literally force you to focus on anything that is actually important or beneficial to the people who need protection from your violent killer cops. Do NOT for any reason give PPD more money! Vote NO!

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    April McCue almost 4 years ago

    Last time it was barking dogs, now it’s “let’s find new ways to reward our neo-nazi police force with public funds for all the people they’ve already managed to kill and cage this year”. We already know PPD will use this Homeland Security money to brand protests as “riots” after they violently assault people demanding justice & book them as gangs. How many times do we have to prove they can’t be trusted with any of the money you keep throwing at them? They already have $745M in funds.Vote NO

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    Claudia Deley almost 4 years ago

    Ed Zeurecher blood is on your hands, we demand you’re fired. Chief Jeri Williams blood is on your hands, we demand you’re fired. Jeff Barton how dare you come here and ask for yet MORE money for police to continue defending white supremacy in all its forms. City Council, none of you deserve your job. You do less than nothing. You all have blood on your hands and we can’t wait to see your seats filled with new council members who will work for us. Vote NO. Not one more cent. #DefundPhoenixPD

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    Annalisa Cardon almost 4 years ago

    We already know PPD will use this Homeland Security money to brand protests as “riots” after they violently assault people demanding justice & book them as gangs. How many times do we have to prove they can’t be trusted with any of the money you keep throwing at them? They already have 745 million in funds. Vote NO.

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    Sid Femino almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix PD will use this money to continue to harm the community. We all saw the coins. This group of neo nazis has already been given $745 million dollars this year, they do not need more funding to use to politically prosecute people, etc., and to continue their evasion of accountability. Vote NO.

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    Kali Rowe almost 4 years ago

    PPD is getting investigated for being white supremacists who exploit their power to send their critics to prison, but the City and this subcommittee are trying to get them even more money. You still won’t talk about what really matters to people who are being killed day in, day out by your police force! Vote NO on this grant and finally show you’re not just a bunch of enablers. If you won’t defund PPD, at least don’t let them find other ways to make more money off our deaths. #DefundPhxPD

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    Jennifer Gonzalez almost 4 years ago

    PPD is getting investigated for being white supremacists who exploit their power to send their critics to prison, but the City and this subcommittee are trying to get them even more money. You still won’t talk about what really matters to people who are being killed day in, day out by your police force! Vote NO on this grant and finally show you’re not just a bunch of enablers. If you won’t defund PPD, at least don’t let them find other ways to make more money off our deaths. #DefundPhxPD

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    Jessica Valentin almost 4 years ago

    Last time it was barking dogs, now it’s “let’s find new ways to reward our neo-nazi police force with public funds for all the people they’ve already managed to kill and cage this year”. We already know PPD will use this Homeland Security money to brand protests as “riots” after they violently assault people demanding justice & book them as gangs. How many times do we have to prove they can’t be trusted with any of the money you keep throwing at them? They already have 745 million in funds. No.

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    Brandon Valentin almost 4 years ago

    Last time it was barking dogs, now it’s “let’s find new ways to reward our neo-nazi police force with public funds for all the people they’ve already managed to kill and cage this year”. We already know PPD will use this Homeland Security money to brand protests as “riots” after they violently assault people demanding justice & book them as gangs. How many times do we have to prove they can’t be trusted with any of the money you keep throwing at them? They already have 745 million in funds. NO!

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    Jonah Ivy almost 4 years ago

    PPD is getting investigated for being white supremacists who exploit their power to send their critics to prison, but the City and this subcommittee are trying to get them even more money. You still won’t talk about what really matters to people who are being killed day in, day out by your police force! Vote NO on this grant and finally show you’re not just a bunch of enablers. If you won’t defund PPD, at least don’t let them find other ways to make more money off our deaths. #DefundPhxPD