Meeting Time: March 16, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

3 Re-opening Parks and Recreation Department Outdoor Amenities

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    Kaye Thomas almost 4 years ago

    No. Not till people are vaccinated and till we have more Police. Hance Park is too dangerous to walk day or night because of all the drug dealers criminals violent homeless people who walk around breaking glass bottles and there's human feces everywhere. It's not safe. Hire more Police. This isn't fair to me or anyone in my community locked inside because of the crime and lack of police because of selfish Carlos Laura Betty and Mayor who refuse to get us proper security.

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    Jonathan Fagan almost 4 years ago

    Please reopen the parks in Phoenix. Kids will need these parks for their mental and physical health . Also all the lost Revenue for the city and jobs. We the PHX, Community need this!
    Area youth sports leagues have done a great job of implementing measures to safely play the sports that our kids deserve to play on our city fields. All other cities are in full swing. Why cant we show off our beautiful parks

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    justin klump almost 4 years ago

    Please reopen the parks in Phoenix. Kids need to be outside and allowed to participate in sports. Area youth sports leagues have done a great job of implementing measures to safely play the sports that our kids deserve to play on our city fields.

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    Amelia Greever almost 4 years ago

    My children and I love the Phoenix parks and rec system. We would love to see the basketball courts fully open as well as all other amenities open.

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    Annie Meade almost 4 years ago

    Reopen parks for the kids! We miss basketball hoops. We use parks 2-4 times a week. It’s easy to distance outside.

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    Kaye Nelson almost 4 years ago

    Open the parks. Our kids have waited for far too long for this, and studies show that with appropriate precautions there is little to no risk to our youth. We have kept them out of healthy activities for far too long.

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    Meg Mag almost 4 years ago

    (1 of 3) I will support this crisis assistance program when the language CLEARLY establishes that trained mental health & de-escalation professionals respond to 911 calls, and NOT heavily armed police. Trained and licensed mental health professionals ought to be partnered w/ an officer not only to protect the citizen in need, but also to protect the officer from missteps or hasty decisions that could result from inexperience in dealing with mental illness, or emotional distress.

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    Melissa Hile almost 4 years ago

    I'm a parent & gym owner who believes it's imperative to reopen the outdoor amenities. Kids need the opportunity to pursue sport & fitness to create healthy relationships with their bodies & others. Our kids are have been locked up & locked out of healthy activities for too long. They deserve the chance to improve their fitness & excel at sport among their peers. We've done the necessary precautions for long enough; it's time to allow our kids to see how we prioritize their health as well!

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    Adrian Morrissey almost 4 years ago

    I support opening because everyone needs access to clean and well maintained bathrooms, facilities, and other amenities

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    Vania Vasquez almost 4 years ago

    While COVID should still be taken seriously, we must think about how these closures impact there community as a WHOLE. There are community members living without shelter who rely on these amenities. It is important that everyone has access to bathrooms and the other amenities provided by the parks/rec facilities.

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    Scott Robbins almost 4 years ago

    I do support the re-opening of the city parks and specifically the sport fields. There are numerous case studies from around the valley of fields opening up safely for youth sports. The AIA has approved the start of all spring high school sports, including baseball, which would likely be the sport most impacted by this decision. If proper guidelines are set and spectators are limited at practices and/or games the risk of COVID transmission is very low. Let's get these kids back outside.

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    Eric Brickley almost 4 years ago

    These services are a necessity for people who are living Unsheltered. Open and serviced bathrooms reduce litter and waste in public areas.

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    Katie Krejci almost 4 years ago

    I support opening them as long as covid guidelines are followed, people are vaccinated , and socially distance

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    Ray McDaniel almost 4 years ago

    Since most aren't masking up and taking covid as a joke, We need to get people vaccinated and taking social distancing seriously.

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    Abbie J almost 4 years ago

    No oppose. We need more people vaccinated and ppl need to be wearing masks!

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    Jennifer Thomas almost 4 years ago

    Not till everyone has been vaccinated.

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    Shawn Vandyke almost 4 years ago

    I support reopening of the Phoenix city parks and more specifically the baseball fields. I am involved with a large organization here in North Phoenix. We complied with original rules and we are currently still following the rules. We have been practicing all over town and playing in tournaments since September and have had No Coaches or Players diagnosed with Covid. We take protocols seriously and aren’t the affected majority per the science. Please reopen the fields now!

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    Jade B almost 4 years ago

    Keep closed till more ppl are vaccinated and we don't have new covid cases and deaths.
    I thought parks were already open. There always full of people.

    We need more Police. That needs to be the #1 Concern along with keeping ppl safe by getting everyone vaccinated. Several seniors buildings have people that haven't received their first shot. We're way behind. Get vaccinated

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    James Ha almost 4 years ago

    Not till everyone is vaccinated. Follow the Science!
    Let people in the library with proof of vaccine!.

    The parks will fill up again with homeless ppl and drug addicts who haven't been vaccinated. There's human feces everywhere especially in District 08 where I live because my councilman doesn't care about the neighborhood. The area around Hance Park is so dangerous with lack of Police. Everyone I know is afraid for themselves family children and Seniors

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    Erica Boquist almost 4 years ago

    As a parent and a resident of Phoenix I feel opening parks for outdoor activities is a good idea with the current drop in covid numbers but I'd hate to see libraries or indoor spaces open too soon. I suspect it will be fine soon but not yet.

    I have made a lot of use of the public library through this pandemic and the current system works beautifully. There is no need for unnecessary risk.