Meeting Time: April 05, 2021 at 5:30pm MST
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Agenda Item


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    G Morgan over 3 years ago

    Need to fully fund PD--safe neighborhoods/crime prevention should be #1 priority! Need more trained PD officers, plus CAO's who already handle community interactions, should NOT be civilians. Agree with replacing civilians for limited functions, like Booking. Need more call center dispatchers, wait times for CrimeStop are too long. What is Phx doing with savings from months of closed facilities like courts, parks, libraries, Sr. Ctrs?

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    Cynthia Garcia over 3 years ago

    I support a crisis assistance program that is a separate department from current first responders. This is a new unit of professional health and welfare service members trained in life preservation and deescalation. All non criminal and non violent calls will be handled by them who will not be used as a vessel for policing or deferring to ICE

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    Margaret Shalley over 3 years ago

    This is a balanced approach by allocating funding for critical needs (homeless, mental health, etc.) while still fully funding our PD. We as the fifth-largest city can accomplish both without sacrificing one or the other, and the majority of residents want a fully funded PD. Crime deterrence includes keeping our youth active, which is why the city needs to build out all planned small neighborhood parks – including in underserved Laveen - starting with the vacant lot at 55th Avenue and Samantha.

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    Lisa Cooper over 3 years ago

    My name is Lisa lifelong property owner bordering Highline canal trail between 6th Ave/Central ave. District 8. I would like to request funding for improvements/maintenance for bike trail 6th Ave/12th st. The inequity of maintenance along 6th Ave/12th st. compared to 12th st/40th st. is unfair to citizens. Clear brush, trash, replace asphalt which is cracked rendering it a liability. With new development in the area this will encourage people to take better care of their properties. Thank you