Meeting Time: April 07, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

61 Authorization to Enter into Contracts with Central Arizona Shelter Services and the Human Services Campus (Ordinance S-47463)

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    Patricia Pagliuca over 3 years ago

    Cass is a good start, thank you. We also need more than CASS to address the needs of our unsheltered neighbors. City Council, please listen to those at Fund for Empowerment and the people directly impacted by this crisis. They have the solutions you can't possibly dream up. This is our problem to deal with, please keep facing the issue, listening closely to people with experience, and generously funding the solutions that reduce harm. Thank you.

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    Laurel Langmade over 3 years ago

    The HSC hasn't kept bargain when beds increased. There is garbage, people placing tents, living in cars, more drug use, noise, & crime making area unsafe; creating hardships and loss of business. I recommend using money providing shelter & services to another location, away from HSC. Suggest property at Sky Harbor Airport Expansion. Abide by the City Homeless Plan for smaller shelters throughout City. We find shelter for asylum seekers. How about shelter for AZ homeless?

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    Amy Schwabenlender over 3 years ago

    On behalf of the Human Services Campus, we thank the City Council for providing this critical funding that will allow more people to be safely sheltered indoors, as well as support our cleaning of the surrounding area. And the funding will ensure that we have public restroom access until 11 pm.