Meeting Time: May 19, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

3 Mayor and Council Appointments to Boards and Commissions

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    Patty Porter almost 4 years ago

    Lift the mask mandate - City of Phoenix
    Also, we DO NOT support defunding the police.

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    Sheri Slocum almost 4 years ago

    I would like a discussion pertaining to the ability of 1 member to override the body. We have a council for a reason the entire city is represented. By red lining and rewriting an item, it only reflects that persons view. It is claimed to have support, that should be proven prior to overriding the entire body. Phoenicians do Not support defunding the police! The oat set up was by the whole council in agreement and should remain so. Show the evidence of support. They were paid to call in 3/18/21

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    Leslie Walston almost 4 years ago

    Please add the agenda item of adjusting the mask mandate. The time was that we followed the science into the pandemic. It is now time to follow the science out of the pandemic. Especially for those who run booths at things like art fairs, farmers markets, festivals, the county fair, etc, Let the responsibility fall back to the good citizens. Maricopa county has changed their protocols for their buildings.

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    Jennifer Mawyer almost 4 years ago

    I respectfully ask that you please add the question of the mask mandate to your agenda for this meeting. The CDC has told us that the vaccinated no longer need to wear a mask & several retailers (Including Target, Walmart, Costco, & Starbucks) have announced that they will no longer require masks for the vaccinated where not required by State or Local mandates. A year is long enough. Please follow the science & the CDC recommendations and lift the mask mandate now.

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    Christine Zeigler almost 4 years ago

    Please lift the mask mandate in place for the city of Phoenix. So many people are vaccinated now, it is time to follow the science in the other direction. People are, of course, welcome to still wear a mask, but it should not be required anymore.