Meeting Time: October 13, 2021 at 9:30am MST
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Agenda Item

7 Police Department Staffing Discussion

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    cynthia graber over 3 years ago

    We need every member on our City Council to stand up and say come join our team The City Of Phoenix City Council backs blue and we want you and need you. The City of Phoenix City Council wants every 1.7mil Citizen to be safe and our police are our community. The City of Phoenix is the largest team in the nation and every member works and supports each other for the greater benefit of every 1.7 mil phoenix citizens. That is what needs to happen TODAY

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    pam fitzgerald over 3 years ago

    I am in total and complete support of the police department. The fact that some members of the city council are very critical of the police department makes recruiting very difficult. The fact that one of our council people decided that our veterans are too violent to ever join the police department was about as low as you can go. Do you want to hire ex-nuns? The city needs a united council working for all the citizens of phoenix, not just your own political and personal agendas .