Meeting Time: January 12, 2022 at 9:30am MST
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Agenda Item

3 27th Avenue Corridor Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan

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    Nadine Alauria about 3 years ago

    As a business owner on Hatcher Road since 1989, our family is in support of these additional resources in the Hatcher Corridor. It is long overdue. Our Hatcher area residents and businesses are VERY engaged in the area to improve the area for all. We also need to look into IF all the people who loiter on Hatcher and at the bus stops are actually experiences homelessness. It does appear that many are NOT homeless but chose to loiter along the Hatcher Corridor.

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    pam fitzgerald about 3 years ago

    i 100% support this plan but it is short sighted in leaving out the 19th ave corridor. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT 19TH AVE FROM BETHANY TO DUNLAP BE INCLUDED. If this area is not included all the street criminals & dealers will move from those areas to 19th & Glendale where crime is rampant. There were 4 drug ODs last week at that intersection. There are 2 schools within a half mile. Our kids and our community are no longer safe. don't further ruin our neighborhoods along 19th by not including us.

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    Sinclair Noe about 3 years ago

    My name is Sinclair Noe.
    I have lived in this general area for the past 12 years.
    I support the City’s original 27th Avenue Corridor Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan. I am concerned that the defined areas presented today have changed the focus of this plan. Please include the entire 27th Avenue Corridor from Northern to Indian School. I fear that anything less than the entire corridor would be another empty gesture to our neighborhood.

    Sinclair Noe

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    cynthia graber about 3 years ago

    I 100% support the 27th avenue Safety and Crime Prevention but feel that we are being short sighted not to include the corner of the Bermuda Triangle and greatest criminal drug transient/gang HOT SPOT 19th AVE/Glendale. We need a camera system on this corner. Last week we lost four people from drug over doses on this very corner. We have the same criminal drug dealers everyday selling drugs to children and adults. Five schools are along 19th ave. WE NEED TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN

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    Jeff Spellman about 3 years ago

    We all know what a challenge our police department is having with hiring police officers. Considering these challenges and the continued impact on our community from crime, it is highly commendable that the City Manager is proposing technology and efficiency improvements to help address the high level of crime along the 27th Ave corridor. The Violence Impact Project Coalition highly supports this item and urges the subcommittee to recommend approval.