Meeting Time: February 16, 2022 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

18 Settlement of Claim(s) Arangure v. City of Phoenix

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    James DelRae almost 3 years ago

    Similar sentiment to Janine's and Mike's comments. Collins had a suspended drivers license, made a turn in front of a vehicle when he did not have the right of way, in front of an emergency vehicle with lights and siren activated, and likely was feeling the scientifically proven slower reaction time effects of the marijuana in his system. This is not a wrongful death caused by the city, this is an unfortunate death caused by Collins.

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    Mike H almost 3 years ago

    Similar sentiment to Janine's comment. Collins had a suspended drivers license, made a turn in front of a vehicle when he did not have the right of way, in front of an emergency vehicle with lights and siren activated, and likely was feeling the scientifically proven slower reaction time effects of the marijuana in his system. This is not a wrongful death caused by the city, this is an unfortunate death caused by Collins.

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    Janine Rodriguez almost 3 years ago

    Kenneth "Chase" Collins did NOT possess a valid driver's license and had MARIJUANA in his system. Collins turned left in front of the engine, which was operating with lights and siren activated. DO NOT VOTE TO PAY! You are setting a bad example. People will start turning in front of emergency vehicles to commit suicide so their family can get a giant payout from the City after they are gone. This agenda item is ridiculous.