Meeting Time: March 02, 2022 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

*65 ***REQUEST TO CONTINUE (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** Amend City Code - Ordinance Adoption - Rezoning Application Z-20-21-4 - Approximately 1,300 Feet North of the Northeast Corner of Central Avenue and Indian School Road (Ordinance G-6964)

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    Ryan Boyd almost 3 years ago

    The proposed plan is in opposition to the adopted TOD Plans. City officials ask residents to spend years in the creation of these plans and should more adequately enforce them. The site is one of few places in the City prime for dense, urban development without reservation or modification.

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    Tabitha Myers almost 3 years ago

    I oppose this project. It does not honor the Uptown TOD and all the hard work that went into it the 170pg transit oriented plan.We don't need more luxury townhomes-particularly those projects who thumb their noses at the Uptown TOD.