Meeting Time: April 04, 2022 at 8:30am MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

Community input is a valuable part of the annual budget process. To leave an electronic comment registering your support or opposition to the City Manager's Trial Budget, click Comment. To view a copy of the City Manager's Trial Budget, visit the Virtual Community Budget Hearings Page.

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    Jill Ostendorp over 2 years ago

    As a life-long advocate for youth sports & fitness, we are asking you to please allocate budget to add dedicated Pickleball courts to Desert Foothills Park & refurbish the current courts. Currently, Steve Manolis is leading an effort to donate refurbished paddles to the Boys and Girls Clubs in Phoenix and we have proposed to councilmembers to offer Free clinics to help increase access to pickleball as a safe and healthy recreational low cost activity for anyone to enjoy. Thank you.

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    Carrie McNeish over 2 years ago

    I am writing in as a community member of District 6 asking for the honorable council members and Mayor to consider allocating funds to ADD at least 8 dedicated Pickleball courts and a parking lot to our neighborhood park - Desert Foothills. In the interium we would like to ask that our two existing tennis courts be converted to dual purpose and refinished as they are undertuilized and in bad shape. We would love to be able to walk/bike to our local park instead of driving to Pecos Park.

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    Christine Klich admin over 2 years ago

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