Meeting Time: May 17, 2022 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

1 City Council Budget Decision on the 2022-23 Budget

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    Kendra Alvarez over 2 years ago

    I am asking you to support the City Navigator position. Refugee and immigration families would benefit from dedicated support staff that can help them access the benefits they are entitled to. Please support and adequately fund this position so that families have the resources they need to thrive in our communities.

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    Samara Ahmed over 2 years ago

    I am in support of the navigator position! It is vital in creating stable housing for residents of Phoenix.

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    Donna Reiner over 2 years ago

    I am in support of the proposed budget which includes increased funding for Arts and Culture grant funding and public art maintenance and also for the increased funding the Historic Preservation Office's Threatened Building fund. Increased funding in these areas is greatly appreciated and will enable greater dispersal that can only help improve the quality of life here in Phoenix.

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    Christy Bishop over 2 years ago

    Thank you for the proposed budget for a refugee navigator to provide support for refugees and immigrants in our community. Phoenix is a welcoming city and needs this position to continue serving the community in a coordinated, efficient way. This will help the city support refugees, resettlement agencies, ethnic based community orgs, and other refugee serving orgs in an equitable and transparent manner. Please meet with ALL stakeholders to identify the responsibilities of this position.

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    Catherine Foley over 2 years ago

    I am a lifelong Phoenix who has enjoyed seeing how our city's cultural community and our wonderful public art facilities have evolved, in large part, because of the support of elected officials like all of you. Thank you for your support for the Arts grant program and the public art maintenance funding (which is critical to upkeep of our investment in the city's public arts projects. Please support the increases included in the proposed FY23 budget in order to continue this important work.

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    Mark Robert Gordon over 2 years ago

    As a founding member of the Friends of Phoenix Public Art and advocate for the arts and artists, I want to express my personal appreciation to Mayor Gallego and Council Members for robust funding of Phoenix arts and culture programs. Our city's Arts and Culture grants and ongoing public art maintenance programs help make and keep Phoenix beautiful to live and work in. These programs greatly enhance Phoenix residents’ quality of life while concurrently fostering economic development. Thank you!

  • Carol_a._poore__ph.d._headshot_2022
    Carol A Poore PhD, President, Poore & Associates Strategic Planning and Faculty, Arizona State University over 2 years ago

    I thank each member of our Phoenix City Council and Mayor Kate Gallego for your steadfast budget support of Phoenix arts and culture programs. As past board chairwoman of Friends of Phoenix Public Art, a nonprofit that advocates for our city's public art program, I'm thrilled for your support of our city's Arts + Culture grants program, as well ongoing public art maintenance. Our city's vibrant arts/culture programs truly enhance quality of life and economic development. Thanks again!