Meeting Time: September 07, 2022 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

*35 ***ITEM REVISED (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan and Community Advisory Committee

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    Kirin Goff about 2 years ago

    I support the plan, but have concerns with details and implementation. I appreciate that HAWKs are given high priority and would like to see more of these types of Engineering solutions. Too much emphasis is placed on “Behavior Related” items.” Education and Enforcement are unlikely to improve behavior when our infrastructure limits choices. Better street design makes safe choices intuitive and easy. Additionally, applying for federal infrastructure funding (GN.03D) should be the top priority.

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    Lara Sands about 2 years ago

    I support the RSAP, and urge the City Council to vote YES. We need to ensure that our streets are designed (and our high-injury streets and intersections are redesigned) to allow all Phoenicians to get where they want to go safely and in good health.

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    Slade Smith about 2 years ago

    I approve the plan, but use some HAWKs to create safer cycling routes. The Third Street bike boulevard in Tucson east of the University of Arizona campus is a good example of strategic HAWK placement, drawing most cyclists away from nearby Speedway Road, a major arterial. With a half-dozen or so HAWKs and good signage and road paint, Tucson has created a safe and attractive alternative to the unprotected bike lanes on Speedway. The low-stress bike boulevard has encouraged more people to cycle.

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    Eric Wise about 2 years ago

    Phoenix is hostile to anyone not driving; trying to cross an eight-lane road in your neighborhood, biking next to speeding cars with a thin line of paint to protect you, taking the 20min detour in the heat to get groceries because you want to make it home alive—these are all sad realities of Phoenix. This needs to change. We need equitable mobility and safe infrastructure. Everyone deserves to make it home at night, people should be able to move around a city without fearing for their lives.

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    Forest Melton about 2 years ago

    The plan should be approved, but its success depends on follow-through and yet-to-be-determined details of implementation. HAWKs are likely to be the most effective intervention for cyclists and pedestrians, but placement is critical. I suggest placing at least some HAWKs to form coherent, signed cycling routes along low-traffic streets through neighborhoods, closely paralleling arterials with many high-injury segments and intersections to attract cyclists away from these dangerous arterials.

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    Ryan Wozniak about 2 years ago

    I overwhelmingly support the call for Vision Zero and endorse many of the Road Safety Action Plan recommendations. For the dignity and health equity of Phoenix residents, workers, and visitors, I am encouraged by the dedication to this cause as I've seen expressed by Mayor Gallego, CM Stark, and others: Phoenix roads and streets must evolve to make deadly crashes unacceptable.
    Please take caution in applying USLIMITS2 as it adjusts for crash averages (high avgs) and it tolerates high speeds.

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    Chelsea Russ about 2 years ago

    Mayor Gallego and City Council Members, I urge you to approve the Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan. Improving safety for all everyone using our roads should be a top priority given the shocking number of fatalities we experience on our streets. In addition, I want the most vulnerable road users to have adequate infrastructure to get around.

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    Peter Zrioka about 2 years ago

    I strongly endorse adopting the Vision Zero RSAP. Not only is this an important step toward creating safer, more equitable streets for all road users, but this could also move us toward substantial climate goals. Vote yes on this important initiative!

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    Jonah Anderson about 2 years ago

    As a Phoenix native I would love to see this city that I love become more pedestrian friendly. Not only to offer dignity to those who can’t drive, but to create a more friendly atmosphere in the city for those who live, work and spend money here. See the area by Roosevelt arts district! Look at the potential tax revenue! We are the fifth largest city in the country it is time we act like a city, not a big car dependent suburb. Thank you council and mayor Gallego, I trust your leadership on this.

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    Kortney Horn about 2 years ago

    We need more options to move about the city. Infrastructure that supports public transportation, biking and walking are absolutely essential to a thriving city. Give us freedom to choose.

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    Christina Eichelkraut about 2 years ago

    For many people, driving a vehicle isn't an option. It's high time the city address this fact in a realistic manner through its planning and urban design. Vision Zero, if properly funded and thoughtfully implemented with _all_ road users in mind, is a perfect mechanism with which to achieve this. Enough with hyperbolic tweets and talking head jabber; let's roll up our sleeves, get to work and save save lives. All lives, because a street that is safer for pedestrians is safer for cars, too.

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    MaryAnn Eldon about 2 years ago

    Dear Phoenix Mayor and City Council,
    Please vote YES on this item! My name is Annie Eldon, and I have lived in District 4 for 10 years. I bike, walk and drive around the city everyday, and I want to feel and be safe. Currently I don't, and I worry about getting hit and killed often. The Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan and Community Advisory Committee are the steps we need to make me and others feel safe on our city streets, and to ultimately save lives. Thank you.

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    Suzanne Day about 2 years ago

    As a lifelong Phoenix resident and an advocate for clean air since 1990, support the Road Safety Action Plan. It's long past time to adjust our priorities to saving lives over saving time. Thanks for listening!

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    Dave Tapley about 2 years ago

    This is a long overdue but important step in making Phoenix a friendlier, more welcoming place to ride a bike, and I fully support it.

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    Peter Lentz about 2 years ago

    We can build prosperous communities when our streets are designed for people. Everyone agrees that they want to safely get to their destination . The key now is to actively design our streets so that they are as comfortable to cross on bike, walking, or rolling as they are to drive through. Please vote YES on the Vision Zero RSAP.