Meeting Time: December 13, 2022 at 10:00am MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

6 Shared Micromobility Program Agreement Award Recommendation

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    Kevin Oleson almost 2 years ago

    As a Bird Fleet Manager, this decision directly affects my livelihood in Phoenix. More than that, Bird and us Fleet Managers have been loyal operators. Because of the FM program, it creates local small businesses for Phoenixicians that have a true vested interest in its success. As the economic development and equity committee, I urge you to see the value in having 3 operators who can ensure the city has the best chance at providing transportation to those that need it most. Thank you.

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    Natalie Hull almost 2 years ago

    I'm Natalie and I'm a 4th generation
    Phoenician. Through Bird's fleet manager (fm)
    program, I started a local company that let me
    be an entrepreneur and employ others in
    Phoenix to operate micromobility. The City's
    decision to only choose 2 operators directly
    affects my family and my business. Bird's given
    this opportunity to multiple other natives of
    the City. They are the only provider who offers
    this and by making the choice to eliminate
    Bird, the city puts my business in jeopardy.