As a teacher and youth mentor in Maryvale, I want to see this money go to fixing parks, cleaning up our alleys, mental health crisis centers, affordable housing units, installing more streetlights, and free public wifi for all. Investing in community resources will increase quality of life, keep our youth safer and on their way to joyful and successful lives. Police are neither increasing quality of life nor keeping people safe. No money should go toward police funding for the GO Bond.
I oppose the $49 million for police. Our communities urgently need resources to address the housing crisis, for mental health support, etc. Another $49 million for police on top of their already bloated $850 million budget is ridiculous and shameful and a slap in the face to our communities that need resources.
The proposal would give $49 million to police that could and should go to other community resources like mental health and substance use, housing, youth, and sustainability. Investing in these community resources will bring about real safety, health, and harm reduction. Giving more money to the police will cause more harm to our communities. You could choose to fund anything, and you’re choosing to fund the police.
I am opposed to the $49 million in funding for police. Our city is facing so many different crises right now and every dollar for community resources matters. The police can't do anything about the housing shortage, homelessness crisis, or severe shortage of mental health resources. There are so many things that are being underfunded in the bond that actually will make our communities stronger, healthier, and more stable. Police infrastructure isn't one of those things.
I am opposed to police funding being a part of the GO Bond. We need to invest in community resource infrastructure that supports the safety, health, and joy in our neighborhoods. As a Maryvale resident, I am opposed to giving this money to renovate the police precinct. I want to see this money go to fixing parks, cleaning up our alleys, mental health crisis centers, affordable housing units, installing more streetlights, and free public wifi for all.
I write to support fully funding life-saving Vision Zero and Equity Based Transportation Mobility as well as at least maintaining investments if not expanding funding for heat resiliency and innovation in affordable housing. These are transformative investments that help ALL Phoenicians move around and live safely in their communities and acts as a foundational investment for the growth of walkable communities that can spur new development and business.
Please fully fund Vision Zero, Equity Based Transportation Mobility, Heat Resiliency, and Innovation in Affordable Housing. Each of these priorities is crucial to creating a safe city poised for sustainable growth. These projects will save lives, improve quality of life, and help solve our housing crisis.
Please approve at least $5M in funds to historic preservation.The Place Economics study commissioned by the City demonstrated that historic revitalization increases tax revenue & spurs further economic development.HP grants on private buildings leverage ~3X the amount of the grant in private sector spending. $5 Million is only 1% of the total bond & will not add operating expenses. Processes & staffing exist ensure completion within 5 years.The needs are current & can't wait until the next bond.
My name is Alejandro, I'm a Phoenix resident with Progressive Victory 2022.
Please increase funding for all items as recommend by the Streets and Sewer Drainage Subcommittee. Increased funding for Vision Zero and Equity Based Transportation Mobility is needed to make our streets safe.
Please also fully fund the Innovation in Affordable Housing funding and also the sustainability items, notably Heat Resiliency. Thank you.
Please approve the $5 million in Historic Preservation funds that are part of the GO Bond. As a Historic Preservation Commissioner I know that an active historic preservation program has a positive economic effect on the city. Adaptive reuse of historic buildings create opportunities for small businesses to thrive — creating jobs and drawing people to the city's core. Cities with vibrant downtowns are also appealing to large companies looking to expand or relocate, which expands our tax base.
My name is Samuel Sievert and I am a member of Progressive Victory 2022, and a resident of the City of Phoenix. I am voicing my support for full funding of all items as recommend by the Streets and Sewer Drainage Subcommittee. We also fully support the Innovation in Affordable Housing funding as recommended by the Housing, Human Services & Homelessness Subcommittee. Thank you for your time.
As a 43 year resident, I commend Phoenix mayor, council and staff and citizens for the G.O. Bond process these past months. If approved, the bonds will energize the city, engage our citizens and address longstanding needs.
I particularly support the $5 million request for Historic Preservation which represents a mere 1 percent of the total bond issue.
Our staff, commissioners and preservationists have been reliable stewards of the funds and will follow that fine tradition.
I am opposed to police funding being a part of the GO Bond. Police do not make us safe, or lengthen our life expectancies or increase our quality of life. There are a plethora of things that the city can fund with those $49 million from police, such as fixing & beautifying parks, cleaning alleys, mental health crisis centers, affordable housing units, installing more streetlights, and free transportation & public wifi throughout the city. With all of these options, why fund the police?
I am writing to indicate my strong support for the General Obligation Bond program, and in particular, the $5 million in funds directed to Historic Preservation. Preserving our historic buildings and structures is an integral part of the culture of our City and the wellbeing of our citizens. Historic preservation creates jobs and fuels sustainable reuse and adaptation of the buildings we inherited from the past and putting them to good use for our future housing and commercial needs.
As Chair of the Historic Preservation Commission and member of the Neighborhoods and City Services Subcommittee I would like to voice my support for the request for $5 million for historic preservation from that committee. Members reduced the original request substantially before submitting it to the Executive Committee. As it totals only 1% of the overall request, creates no ongoing operating costs and typically leverages 3 times the amount in private dollars, it is a good investment for PHX.
The City of Phoenix's Operating Expenditures budget for 22 - 23 is $4 trillion and you are asking for an additional $500 million for unfunded projects? I think you need to better manage the funds collected by tax payers.
As a teacher and youth mentor in Maryvale, I want to see this money go to fixing parks, cleaning up our alleys, mental health crisis centers, affordable housing units, installing more streetlights, and free public wifi for all. Investing in community resources will increase quality of life, keep our youth safer and on their way to joyful and successful lives. Police are neither increasing quality of life nor keeping people safe. No money should go toward police funding for the GO Bond.
I oppose the $49 million for police. Our communities urgently need resources to address the housing crisis, for mental health support, etc. Another $49 million for police on top of their already bloated $850 million budget is ridiculous and shameful and a slap in the face to our communities that need resources.
The proposal would give $49 million to police that could and should go to other community resources like mental health and substance use, housing, youth, and sustainability. Investing in these community resources will bring about real safety, health, and harm reduction. Giving more money to the police will cause more harm to our communities. You could choose to fund anything, and you’re choosing to fund the police.
I am opposed to the $49 million in funding for police. Our city is facing so many different crises right now and every dollar for community resources matters. The police can't do anything about the housing shortage, homelessness crisis, or severe shortage of mental health resources. There are so many things that are being underfunded in the bond that actually will make our communities stronger, healthier, and more stable. Police infrastructure isn't one of those things.
I am opposed to police funding being a part of the GO Bond. We need to invest in community resource infrastructure that supports the safety, health, and joy in our neighborhoods. As a Maryvale resident, I am opposed to giving this money to renovate the police precinct. I want to see this money go to fixing parks, cleaning up our alleys, mental health crisis centers, affordable housing units, installing more streetlights, and free public wifi for all.
I write to support fully funding life-saving Vision Zero and Equity Based Transportation Mobility as well as at least maintaining investments if not expanding funding for heat resiliency and innovation in affordable housing. These are transformative investments that help ALL Phoenicians move around and live safely in their communities and acts as a foundational investment for the growth of walkable communities that can spur new development and business.
Please fully fund Vision Zero, Equity Based Transportation Mobility, Heat Resiliency, and Innovation in Affordable Housing. Each of these priorities is crucial to creating a safe city poised for sustainable growth. These projects will save lives, improve quality of life, and help solve our housing crisis.
Please approve at least $5M in funds to historic preservation.The Place Economics study commissioned by the City demonstrated that historic revitalization increases tax revenue & spurs further economic development.HP grants on private buildings leverage ~3X the amount of the grant in private sector spending. $5 Million is only 1% of the total bond & will not add operating expenses. Processes & staffing exist ensure completion within 5 years.The needs are current & can't wait until the next bond.
My name is Alejandro, I'm a Phoenix resident with Progressive Victory 2022.
Please increase funding for all items as recommend by the Streets and Sewer Drainage Subcommittee. Increased funding for Vision Zero and Equity Based Transportation Mobility is needed to make our streets safe.
Please also fully fund the Innovation in Affordable Housing funding and also the sustainability items, notably Heat Resiliency. Thank you.
Please approve the $5 million in Historic Preservation funds that are part of the GO Bond. As a Historic Preservation Commissioner I know that an active historic preservation program has a positive economic effect on the city. Adaptive reuse of historic buildings create opportunities for small businesses to thrive — creating jobs and drawing people to the city's core. Cities with vibrant downtowns are also appealing to large companies looking to expand or relocate, which expands our tax base.
My name is Samuel Sievert and I am a member of Progressive Victory 2022, and a resident of the City of Phoenix. I am voicing my support for full funding of all items as recommend by the Streets and Sewer Drainage Subcommittee. We also fully support the Innovation in Affordable Housing funding as recommended by the Housing, Human Services & Homelessness Subcommittee. Thank you for your time.
As a 43 year resident, I commend Phoenix mayor, council and staff and citizens for the G.O. Bond process these past months. If approved, the bonds will energize the city, engage our citizens and address longstanding needs.
I particularly support the $5 million request for Historic Preservation which represents a mere 1 percent of the total bond issue.
Our staff, commissioners and preservationists have been reliable stewards of the funds and will follow that fine tradition.
I am opposed to police funding being a part of the GO Bond. Police do not make us safe, or lengthen our life expectancies or increase our quality of life. There are a plethora of things that the city can fund with those $49 million from police, such as fixing & beautifying parks, cleaning alleys, mental health crisis centers, affordable housing units, installing more streetlights, and free transportation & public wifi throughout the city. With all of these options, why fund the police?
I am writing to indicate my strong support for the General Obligation Bond program, and in particular, the $5 million in funds directed to Historic Preservation. Preserving our historic buildings and structures is an integral part of the culture of our City and the wellbeing of our citizens. Historic preservation creates jobs and fuels sustainable reuse and adaptation of the buildings we inherited from the past and putting them to good use for our future housing and commercial needs.
As Chair of the Historic Preservation Commission and member of the Neighborhoods and City Services Subcommittee I would like to voice my support for the request for $5 million for historic preservation from that committee. Members reduced the original request substantially before submitting it to the Executive Committee. As it totals only 1% of the overall request, creates no ongoing operating costs and typically leverages 3 times the amount in private dollars, it is a good investment for PHX.
The City of Phoenix's Operating Expenditures budget for 22 - 23 is $4 trillion and you are asking for an additional $500 million for unfunded projects? I think you need to better manage the funds collected by tax payers.