Meeting Time: March 22, 2023 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

93 Mobile Home Park Displacement Options

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    Joel Nava over 1 year ago

    Mayor Kate, displacing communities is not what Phoenix is about. Show up for the people that you represent, show your character, your integrity. Vote no on displacing communities for a business that does not think about the people.

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    Matthew Flory over 1 year ago

    When I started at Cordova Elementary over a decade ago, we had over 1,200 students. Due to GCU's continued commitment to destroying our community, we are now left with 650.

    This is a supportive and beautiful community that wants the best for their children. Please allow them to continue to exist.

    Our families are more important than profit. Shelter and consistency for our children/students is far more important than corporate greed.

    Please end the evictions. Please be a good human. Help us!

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    Brittany Robinson over 1 year ago

    People get evicted every day in Phoenix. Why isn't the council stopping every single eviction? Why isn’t every single rental home’s zoning being changed to prevent sales? What about the people who are evicted because the City or Wildfire were unable to process their applications for rental assistance in time? Do they not matter as much as the residents of the 3 parks?

    Please consider the substantial costs of your actions that will be borne by ALL city residents but will only benefit a few.

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    Rebecca Denis over 1 year ago

    Please stop the eviction for our community members by voting for mobile home zoning and an 18 month moratorium on development. These residents are already home. Do not let an institution as large as GCU continue to displace people from their homes! You have the power as city council members to save this community. How much value would the destruction and new build for GCU add to the community to warrant the large scale eviction? We are giving you the solution, so do your part and implement it.

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    Zen Tahimik over 1 year ago

    Please prioritize the protection of residents over the money-making "development" projects of capitalist institutions. Either way, GCU will be fine but these families can potentially go without homes. Please support the residents’ demands for Mobile Home Zoning Overlay and an 18 month moratorium. Your decision will demonstrate whether you value property or people.

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    Maria Cox over 1 year ago

    Stop greedy GCU from forcing families into homelessness! There is no more direct way to show that you care about your constituents than by granting the demands of the Periwinkle community. If you do not stand up for the families being displaced, all of the voters will know that you would not stand up for them either. Do the right thing.

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    Emma Galligan over 1 year ago

    As a resident of the greater Phoenix met area, I am asking you to stop the forcible displacement of my neighbors. Please stop the eviction for our community members by voting for mobile home zoning and an 18 month moratorium on development. These residents deserve to stay in their homes. Do not let GCU forcibly displace our neighbors.

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    Tammy Nguyen over 1 year ago

    I am a long time Phoenix resident and I support Rec 3 & 4. The next step is homelessness for individuals and families in Weldon Court, Beacon, and Periwinkle, an issue you all claim to be resolving. That will mean nothing if you don't approve the moratorium and the zoning overlay. City council serves the constituents, the people. Your constituents are being traumatized and gaslit by wealthy developers and corporate institutions. Please pull through for your constituents.

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    Helen Mendizabal over 1 year ago

    I am appalled at the treatment of the mobile home residents facing eviction as a result of GCU’s greed. As the city council talks about zoning enough property in this city to accommodate the rising population in our city, nothing is being done to make a large majority of this housing affordable. These mobile home residents have lived in their homes for years and are represented by Chair Betty Guardado. Fight for your constituents and declare mobile home zoning on the existing homes!

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    Thania Betancourt Alcazar over 1 year ago

    Let's not let history repeat itself.
    Grand Canyon University displacing residents of Phoenix to build more of their campus echos the history of the city of Los Angeles evicting 300 families of Chavez Ravine to build Dodger Stadium. As a resident of the Phoenix metro area, I have watched as the housing crisis has gotten worse and worse over the past several years. We need to protect the homes of the mobile park residents. City council members, what side of history will you stand?

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    Jimbob Blinda over 1 year ago

    Phoenix becomes more unaffordable every day. This is a direct result of city council policies that encourage wealthy developers and landlords to buy up people’s homes so they can kick them out on the street and build subpar housing at sky high prices. City council has a chance today to change that narrative and start protecting the people of this city. It’s well within your power to zone these mobile home parks as Mobile Homes and stop greedy developers from destroying lives.

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    Donna Featherston over 1 year ago

    Phoenix becomes more unaffordable every day. This is a direct result of city council policies that encourage wealthy developers and landlords to buy up people’s homes so they can kick them out on the street and build subpar housing at sky high prices. City council has a chance today to change that narrative and start protecting the people of this city. It’s well within your power to zone these mobile home parks as Mobile Homes and stop greedy developers from destroying lives.

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    Maxana Goettl over 1 year ago

    I support mobile home tenants’ demands to immediately declare a Mobile Home Zoning Overlay on their existing homes. Considering the threats of imminent eviction, and the time it will take to actually establish the zoning overlay, you must also declare a 18 month Moratorium on new development. You have the power to end the displacement of families from their homes and communities.

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    Karen Olson over 1 year ago

    The city council cannot allow this eviction to take place. For years our city has struggled with community members falling into to homelessness and if GCU is able to go through with forcing these residents out of their homes, city council would be contributing directly to the issue. Small payouts are inadequate solutions when there is no affordable housing in this city. Declare Mobile Home Zoning on the existing homes now!

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    Carrie Lorraine over 1 year ago

    Mayor Kate, you hold these families’ future in your hands. You have the power to either keep them housed, or throw them out on the street. Vote yes on the 18 month moratorium and on the Mobile Home Zoning Overlay. Vote to keep these communities together.

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    Sonali Madahar over 1 year ago

    Phoenix becomes more unaffordable every day and gentrification is causing community members to be forced on the street. The city council policies that encourage wealthy developers and landlords to buy up people’s homes so they can kick them out on the street and build subpar housing at sky high prices are at fault. Support tenants’ rights and zone these mobile home parks as Mobile Homes to stop greedy developers from destroying lives.

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    Hana Hehman over 1 year ago

    Mayor Kate, you hold these families’ future in your hands. You have the power to either keep them housed, or throw them out on the street. Vote yes on the 18 month moratorium and on the Mobile Home Zoning Overlay. Vote to keep these communities together.

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    Esmeralda BroylesGonzalez over 1 year ago

    What GCU and other developers/investors are trying to do is legal theft of homes that members of our community have lived in for decades. There are no grounds for this action; Prop 207 is being misused to suit the interests of wealthy developers while families are offered a measly one-time payment and 6 months to uproot their lives. This is reprehensible. I support the tenant’s demands; stop protecting property raids against the working people of Phoenix for profit.

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    Kathleen Martin over 1 year ago

    Please stop the eviction for our community members by voting for mobile home zoning and an 18 month moratorium on development. These residents are already home. Do not let an institution as large as GCU continue to displace people from their homes!

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    lieu n over 1 year ago

    I support Rec. 3 & 4. As a tenant in Phoenix, I have seen gentrification from landlords force friends & families into precarity. With 20,000+ mobile homes in Phoenix, all at risk of robbery by investors looking to profit by evicting families, the City must side with the mobile homes & stand up against capitalists. Don't let families of Las Casitas be replaced by parking lots or families of Periwinkle be replaced by GCU’s gentrification. We're giving you the solution, do your part & implement it.