Meeting Time: May 02, 2023 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

1 FY 2023-24 City Manager's Proposed Budget

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    Dan Penton over 1 year ago

    You want to build cricket Fields when there's city parks that are still blighted & undeveloped by the city. Build Rogers Ranch Park! And do what's right and build out the Laveen Area Conveyance Channel to it's full potential; before you build new cricket fields. If you're planning on funding this based on popularity and number of comments and support for the cricket fields, then why didn't the city do the same for the Laveen Area Conveyance Channel during the Go Bond Community input period?

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    Kat Martinez over 1 year ago

    You should be investing in community solutions, not police. Free public transportation, free public wifi, and more public bathrooms are three things that would immediately improve the quality of life for countless community members.

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    Lauren Schellhase over 1 year ago

    The police force does not need a billion dollars when EVERYTHING else in our city needs urgent attention. Water/hydrological studies?? The water experts in AZ are begging for help and resources. Homelessness?? It's only getting worse for people as costs rise. Public schools?? Mental health?? Our city is FAILING and this disproportionate budgeting only adds to the failure. PLEASE put that money elsewhere, it could do so much more for Phoenicians.

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    Rebecca Perrera over 1 year ago

    Setting asside only $1.0 million for community priorities when there is a budget surplus over $100 million is insufficient. The selected community projects have merit, but the need is greater. Please consider planning for the development of vacant parks, especially in the south and west portions of the city by adding new parks to the 5-year CIP. I would like to see the Rogers Ranch Park in Laveen funded.

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    Rachel Ewell over 1 year ago

    I do not agree with the amount of the police budget. This city does not need more police resources, we need more community resources such as housing and bathrooms and support for our unsheltered neighbors. This police force is one of the most violent in the country, there is nothing that they have done to deserve to get a billion dollars while we have so many people in need. Consider the other options on the table and reduce policing.