Meeting Time: May 03, 2023 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

129 Public Hearing and Ordinance Adoption - Rezoning Application Z-72-22-8 (Elliot 202 PUD) - Southeast Corner of 59th Avenue and Elliot Road (Ordinance G-7110)

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    Lindsay Bateman over 1 year ago

    The Rogers Ranch park (47th Ave and Alta Vista) has been vacant, dusty, and blighted for over 20 years. I bought my property in 05 with the park in the plans. The Rogers Ranch school and the kids walk past this blight daily. Any wind covers our neighborhood in dust. How do we have millions to speed apartments but not a fraction of that to build parks that were promised. Our neighborhood needs this park. Don't waste money on development before finishing the developments built over 20 years ago.