Council please research the impact of water, wastewater rate increases will have on all Phx Citizens and businesses. Phx has 29% of its population living below the poverty level. 11,200 Phoenix Citizens receive low-income water assistance. High inflation and an increase in the cost of housing has caused PHX homeless population to exponentially increase. Phx has the highest health equity problem. A 47% rate increase will destroy all of Phoenix. Phx is not sustainable without affordable water.
Council please research the impact of water, wastewater rate increases will have on all Phx Citizens and businesses. Phx has 29% of its population living below the poverty level. 11,200 Phoenix Citizens receive low-income water assistance. High inflation and an increase in the cost of housing has caused PHX homeless population to exponentially increase. Phx has the highest health equity problem. A 47% rate increase will destroy all of Phoenix. Phx is not sustainable without affordable water.