Meeting Time: September 06, 2023 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

18 League of Arizona Cities and Towns

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    Julie Young about 1 year ago

    We need to focus on being fiscally responsible as a City like We The People who you represent are having to do. This item is primarily to fund lobbyists and is a waste of tax payers dollars.

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    Mary Ziola about 1 year ago

    I am opposed to the City of Phoenix paying $158,000 to League of AZ Cities and Towns. Whose interests does this League really serve besides lawyers and state regulators. This takes away local authority from the cities and the people to support more lobbyists which we don't need. This is a waste of taxpayer money.

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    cindy cragin about 1 year ago

    Phoenix should NOT pay the League of Cities and Towns $158k for annual membership. This is just ONE task they claim to do (from website): "During the legislative session and throughout the year, the League staff meets with legislators and other special interest groups to represent the interests of cities and towns" sure sounds like lobbying to me! that task should be left to the citizens of Arizona - not a lobbying group!!

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    Patricia Rosner about 1 year ago

    Phoenix wants to pay the League of Cities and Towns $158,000 for annual membership dues to have them lobby on behalf of the city at the state legislature. This is completely unacceptable, and the city should not be paying for lobbyists!!!