Meeting Time: September 06, 2023 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

19 Maricopa Association of Governments

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    Julie Young about 1 year ago

    We need to focus on being fiscally responsible as a City like We The People who you represent are having to do. This item is primarily to fund lobbyists and is a waste of tax payers dollars.

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    Mary Ziola about 1 year ago

    I oppose the city of Phoenix paying Maricopa Association of Government $252,408 membership to put more unnecessary regulations on our cities to increase the cost of services. The citizens don't need more government regulations in our lives.

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    cindy cragin about 1 year ago

    Phoenix wants to pay MAG $252k+ for the annual dues. They have interfered with elections, transportation, homelessness and other pressing issues. They should be terminated and turned into being a typical nonprofit organization.

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    Patricia Rosner about 1 year ago

    Phoenix wants to pay Maricopa County Association of Governments over $252,000 for its annual dues. Phoenix needs to stop paying MAG and stop being a member. MAG should be abolished and turned into being a normal nonprofit organization.