Meeting Time: September 06, 2023 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

20 National League of Cities

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    Julie Young about 1 year ago

    We need to focus on being fiscally responsible as a City like We The People who you represent are having to do. This item is primarily to fund lobbyists and is a waste of tax payers dollars.

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    Mary Ziola about 1 year ago

    I oppose the city of Phoenix paying the National League of Cities over $51,000 membership dues. This is a lobbying group and takes away the voice of the people. Why are we giving more power to the federal government to control our cities? We don't need more federal regulations. We don't need 15 minute cities telling us where and what we can drive, park and what food we can eat.

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    cindy cragin about 1 year ago

    Phoenix should NO be paying a firm to lobby on behalf of the city at the state legislature. This needs to stop and let the citizens voice what they want - not the lobbyists. The city should not be paying for lobbyists period.

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    Patricia Rosner about 1 year ago

    Phoenix wants to pay the League of Cities and Towns $158,000 for annual membership dues to have them lobby on behalf of the city at the state legislature. This is completely unacceptable, and the city should not be paying for lobbyists!!