Meeting Time: October 18, 2023 at 10:00am MST
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Agenda Item

1 Minutes of the Transportation, Infrastructure and Planning Subcommittee Meeting

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    Edward Santiago over 1 year ago

    No Tyranny and Fascist WEF Agenda. This is going to affect Hispanic and Black Communities the most. Stop this surveillance
    State that you Lust for. The People don't want this crap. You are elected public officials not King George the 3rd. You can be replaced. Stop trying to take away our Cars, Food and Housing away and make us a bunch of Russian Serfs. You want us to own nothing and be happy while you stuff your pie holes with our blood and Treasure. No 15 Minute Cities/No Surveillance

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    Shawn GRAMMONT over 1 year ago

    As a Arizona Resident I highly oppose this money pit agenda.