Meeting Time: November 08, 2023 at 10:00am MST
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Agenda Item

9 Homelessness Data Update in Partnership with Maricopa Association of Governments

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    Jeff Caldwell about 1 year ago

    I would like to reiterate another commenter's statements: Maricopa County has spent over $100 million on homelessness over the past few years and nothing has happened other than housing inaffordability and skyrocketing homelessness with rampant drug use. Throwing money at the problem does not help. Change city code to allow tiny homes to be built by nonprofit organizations that specialize in getting folks back on their feet and back into society.

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    cindy cragin about 1 year ago

    Maricopa County has spent over $100 million on homelessness over the past few years and nothing has happened other than housing unaffordability and skyrocketing homelessness with rampant drug use. Throwing money at the problem does not help. Change city code to allow tiny homes to be built by nonprofit organizations that specialize in getting folks back on their feet and back into society.