Meeting Time: December 13, 2023 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

13 Public Comment on Proposed Changes to Memoranda of Understanding Submitted by Authorized Employee Organizations

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    Rebecca Denis 12 months ago

    I oppose this MOU and any other versions of it that is negotiated behind closed doors in secret. This current contract is just a draft and over the next several months PLEA could ask for and bring any changes they see fit without any outside oversight or community input. The city should also take into account the DOJ investigative report that is sure to be released during the contract negotiations for the Phoenix PD MOU. Stop protecting & catering to the deadliest department in the country.

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    Laura Hudson 12 months ago

    Lack of accountability and secrecy built into the contract negotiation process has enabled a culture of violence and corruption to thrive among our police officers. The bloated budget leaches resources from vital community safety needs and PPD officers walk away with no consequences when your constituents get unjustly injured or killed by them. Taxpayers, also your constituents, pick up the tab and deserve to know where their almost billion $ are going. Open the contract negotiation process.

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    Patricia Pagliuca 12 months ago

    Of course Mayor Kate, Yassamin and all the other supporters of a genocidal occupation support secret police negotiations. Poder, Mass Lib and other community orgs have been demanding council defund the nation's most deadly force since 2018. Yet, here we are. 2023, Gaza under siege, self-congratulatory politicians siding with apartheid and ethnic cleansing, and PPD with a billion dollar budget. NO MORE MONEY to PPD, NO SECRET NEGOTIATIONS! BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS! WAKE UP & listen to constituents!

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    Erin Marsh 12 months ago

    Mayor Gallego and City Council’s refusal to hold the police department accountable has enabled a culture of violence, corruption, and secrecy. We need leaders in this city who are willing to protect and prioritize residents, not bow to the demands of an extremist police union.

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    Slater Kelly 12 months ago

    phoenix residents deserve safety and deserve to choose how this security is provided. negotiations taking place behind closed doors take phoenix residents out of a process that deeply affects the public. stop giving money to phoenix police and invest it in communities instead. support phoenix residents, not a violent police force.

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    Xo McAleece almost 1 year ago

    You are choosing to protect police over community members by allowing this contract to be negotiated behind closed doors and rejecting the DOJ findings before they’re even released.
    City Council’s role is to make policies that provide the people with the resources they need. You are putting the health and safety of Phoenix residents at risk by allowing the police department to hoard a billion dollars in community resources. We demand you protect and prioritize residents. No more money for cops.

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    Cynthia McWhorter almost 1 year ago

    People residing in Phoenix deserve to know where and how their tax dollars are being spent. The police contract/ MOU is negotiated behind closed doors where phoenix residents cannot participate, eliminating transparency and accountability. Mayor Gallego and Phoenix City Council have been refusing to hold phoenix police accountable for decades,allowing a culture of violence, secrecy, and corruption to thrive. No more $ to Phoenix police. We demand transparency.

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    Karen Olson almost 1 year ago

    Mayor Gallego and City Council’s refusal to hold the police department accountable has enabled a culture of violence, corruption, and secrecy. Accountability to the people should mean these budgets are done transparently and openly every single time. Instead we have to comment and show up to demand over and over that this (in)just system is not keeping us safe. Do better.

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    Dana Reed almost 1 year ago

    Stop giving money to Phoenix PD