Meeting Time: February 07, 2024 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

29 Tree Planting and Tree Care Contractors for the Community Heat Mitigation Program - IFB 24-0042 - Request for Award (Ordinance S-50572)

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    Rick Wynant 10 months ago

    This is a waste of money and water resources to service the purchase of baby trees.

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    Mathia Hassett 10 months ago

    $8 million of taxpayer money going to maintaining trees... These are not adult trees. They are small, baby trees. A lot of the trees the city buys die. Since they are small they do not create shade for homeless people. The city of Phoenix is supposed to be worried about water when adult trees require WAY less water and maintenance. In October of 2023, the City of Phoenix approved buying $10 million of trees. How many police officers could the city of Phoenix hire with $24 million?

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    John Hassett 10 months ago

    $8 million of taxpayer money going to maintaining trees... These baby trees. A lot of the trees the city buys die. As they are small they do not create shade for homeless people. In October of 2023, the City of Phoenix approved buying $10 million of trees. Now this will make it $16 million. The next agenda item will then make it $24 million going to trees and services for trees. How many police officers could the city of Phoenix hire with $24 million?