Meeting Time: February 07, 2024 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

40 Three-Year Membership with the Global Chamber (Ordinance S-50565)

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    Rick Wynant 10 months ago

    Joining this Global Chamber is selling out the city of Phoenix to the Global Elites agenda.

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    Mathia Hassett 10 months ago

    Since joining the Global Chamber, Phoenix has implemented many ESG and DEI policies that have lead to skyrocketing homelessness, increased heat island effects due to higher density buildings, increased particulate pollution, and a policy to reduce meat consumption, wait on public transit outside, ride bikes or take scooters in 120 degree temperatures, confine citizens to 15 minute walking areas, tracking, recording license plates, and sell our city out to multi-national global corporations.

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    John Hassett 10 months ago

    Since joining the Global Chamber, Phoenix has implemented many ESG and DEI policies that have lead to skyrocketing homelessness, increased heat island effects due to high density buildings, increased particulate pollution, and a policy trying to force less meat consumption, pushing bikes and scooters or waiting on public transit in 115 degree temperatures. Confine citizens to 15 minute walking areas, tracking and recording license plates, and selling out to multi-national global corporations.