The government is not supposed to be a bank. Stop taking federal funds to loan to people who cannot afford housing. Allow non-profits and private sector funding to handle this issue. Multifamily delinquencies are higher now than at any point during the Great Recession of '08. The government is setting up a financial crisis that will leave those they are intending to help worse off than before and needs to get out of the market.
The government is not supposed to be a bank. Stop taking federal funds to loan to people who cannot afford housing. Allow non-profits and private sector funding to handle this issue. Multifamily delinquencies are higher now than at any point during the Great Recession of '08. The government is setting up a financial crisis and needs to get out of the market.
The government is not supposed to be a bank. Stop taking federal funds to loan to people who cannot afford housing. Allow non-profits and private sector funding to handle this issue. Multifamily delinquencies are higher now than at any point during the Great Recession of '08. The government is setting up a financial crisis that will leave those they are intending to help worse off than before and needs to get out of the market.
The government is not supposed to be a bank. Stop taking federal funds to loan to people who cannot afford housing. Allow non-profits and private sector funding to handle this issue. Multifamily delinquencies are higher now than at any point during the Great Recession of '08. The government is setting up a financial crisis and needs to get out of the market.