Meeting Time: February 05, 2025 at 10:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 Light Rail Security Update

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    cynthia graber about 1 month ago

    Light rail along the 19th Ave corridor, Camelback to Dunlap is NOT safe. I have watched fights, drug deals and many passed out people on the platforms. Transit police, City Police and Valley Metro security had no fare enforcement for the past four months. Transit police noted in their reports a decline in ridership from previous numbers in 2023. In fact, of the trains checked, per train there was a decline of 43.54% in ridership. Light rail is NOT safe. Please protect our children and seniors

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    pam fitzgerald about 1 month ago

    i am a senior citizen & i value my life so i don't EVER ride the light rail. I would get on at Montebello, just waiting at that station is frightening.The security is no longer there&even the PPD won't ride it alone.New safety improvements are a lie.On the 19th ave line the stations,as well as the train itself is unsafe.There is drug usage,sales,and fights,even murder.Your negligence of fare enforcement has allowed criminal transients to keep seniors like myself from riding &has ruined my area

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    KERRIE ADNEY WALKER about 1 month ago

    The light rail between Camelback and Dunlap along 19th Ave continues to be extremely unsafe to anyone but criminals. If there is safety improvement, it is not happening on 19th ave. Fights, drug dealing, open drug use, happen on a daily basis. There was a murder in Dec at Montebello. Fare enforcement just restarted and without continuous and consistent enforcement the criminals use the light rail for convenient egress and will continue to take advantage of less than stellar safety there.