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As 14-year residents of the Country Estates Community in the neighborhood of 56th St & Shea Blvd we have seen a drastic increase in the daily traffic along Shea Blvd over the years. We oppose the wide range of usages now proposed under C-O/G-O zoning, especially Banking and Night classes, which far exceed limited-traffic office usage. We request restricting these uses as they would only make already hazardous high-traffic conditions even worse!
Please publicly register my ADAMANT opposition to zoning request Z-119-24-2.
- DO NOT SUPPORT WIDE RANGE OF USAGE of now NEWLY proposed C-O/G-O zoning at 56th St & Shea,
protect against over-commercialization in our NEIGHBORHOOD
• Each use different type of clientele traffic,
• significant volume of traffic increase
Need support in restrictions against these uses in community.
Developer's traffic impact study of 290 cars/day is flawed
comprehensive revision before plans approved