This is for Action 5.1 and 5.2 only. 5.1 is 100% needed, however, at South Mountain it needs to be expanded beyond one trailhead, and one day a week. I am a park steward and would volunteer during the week. One location, one day a week is the bare minimum that can be done. More education and better Park execution of resources needs to take place before trail closures.
Thank you very much for putting this plan out early in the year. It seems like the City and OHS are really trying to capitalize on past successes and make improvements when possible. Having a dedicated 24/7 center for heat relief is a great way to engage with more people. Keeping full library services open later will hopefully also benefit surrounding communities. I particularly appreciate this commitment as the City deals with the end of ARPA funding. Please approve this plan.
This is for Action 5.1 and 5.2 only. 5.1 is 100% needed, however, at South Mountain it needs to be expanded beyond one trailhead, and one day a week. I am a park steward and would volunteer during the week. One location, one day a week is the bare minimum that can be done. More education and better Park execution of resources needs to take place before trail closures.
Thank you very much for putting this plan out early in the year. It seems like the City and OHS are really trying to capitalize on past successes and make improvements when possible. Having a dedicated 24/7 center for heat relief is a great way to engage with more people. Keeping full library services open later will hopefully also benefit surrounding communities. I particularly appreciate this commitment as the City deals with the end of ARPA funding. Please approve this plan.