Meeting Time: February 10, 2021 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 City of Phoenix Barking Dog Complaint Process

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    Alena Maves about 4 years ago

    Barking dogs are not as important as neo nazi symbols used by police in Phoenix !! Investigate !!!!

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    Lily Villa about 4 years ago

    Barking Dog complaints are not the most pressing issue in our city right now! We know that several members of the PPD have been exposed as neo-nazis and falsely charging first amendment protesters as gang members. We demand that you address your violent anti-Black Police force right now. You need to tell MCAO to DROP ALL CHARGES now. Your inaction and silence is a sign you condone and support political prosecution. #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Celina Tchida about 4 years ago

    Barking Dog complaints are not the most pressing issue in our city right now! Do you not watch the news, or are you all genuinely so racist that you don’t even consider PPD being outed as neo-nazis and falsely charging first amendment protesters to be news?! How dare you talk about anything other than your violent anti-Black Police force right now. You need to tell MCAO to DROP ALL CHARGES now. Your inaction and silence is a sign you condone and support political prosecution. #DroptheChargesMCAO

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    Alexis Creighton about 4 years ago

    After this weekend’s reporting exposing Neo-Nazis within Phoenix PD, City Council is sitting here today to talk about barking dogs. This is disgusting. City Council is complicit in the gross misconduct and brutality of the most violent police force in the nation. The political prosecutions that these white supremacist cops have been involved in must be thrown out now. All of the cops involved must be fired immediately and ALL charges against protestors must be dropped today.

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    Brandon Valentin about 4 years ago

    NO WE ARE NOT talking about barking dog complaints today when Brady list cops are lying under oath that protesters deserve felony gang charges! On January 20th council reimbursed these monsters 6 million dollars for their ‘riot response’ and today you blatantly ignore the fact that PPD has been revealed to be violent liars and are exchanging neo-nazi coins to celebrate shooting a protester. Disgusting. You must demand MCAO drop all charges. #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Kurt Anderson about 4 years ago

    Barking dog complaints? We should be talking about PPD’s tacitical unit that is operating as a neo-nazi gang and colluding with MCAO to destroy lives with false charges. We elected you to do a job, when you talk about barking dogs and not political prosecution it is offensive and proves you are out of touch and FAILING to do your job! So we will come to every meeting and tell you you are failing, you must do better, and you MUST LISTEN to us. #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Karylann Kwasny about 4 years ago

    Mayor Gallego said the following in 2019 after cops were exposed for their white supremacist Facebook posts, “This city has absolutely no place for hate... the choice by these officers to promote hate speech is a dark cloud over all of us.” Yet those same racist cops are still on the City payroll. Fire all cops involved in the political prosecutions immediately and drop all charges against protestors today.

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    Bailey Maddox about 4 years ago

    Your fascist police dept are trying to get away with incarcerating our community members for protesting. I don't want to hear about any of you being paid any of our money to sit around and talk about dogs. We demand you drop the charges against the hundreds of people being targeted by the MCAO.

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    Jessica Spencer about 4 years ago

    Barking dog complaints? We should be talking about PPD’s tactical unit that is operating as a neo-nazi gang and colluding with MCAO to destroy lives with false charges. We elected you to do a job, when you talk about barking dogs and not political prosecution it is offensive and proves you are out of touch and FAILING to do your job! So we will come to every meeting and tell you you are failing, you must do better, and you MUST LISTEN to us. #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Catherine Heywood about 4 years ago

    This agenda should look wildly different! We should be talking about tactical unit that is operating as a neo-nazi gang and distributing a violent challenge coin that celebrates not only violence but facist massaging. It is despicable that this news comes out about such egregious misconduct and you are talking about this utter nonsense. Nowakowski, we know you are leaving soon and clearly don’t care about the community, but this is pathetic. #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecution

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    Kimberlee Adkins about 4 years ago

    It’s absolutely disgusting that Phx has allowed these racist cops to thrive as long as they have. Phx PD is out here ruining people’s life’s like literally killing people and you guys are talking about barking dogs? Drop the charges on all protestors and get these white supremacist cops off the street.

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    Lola Nsangou about 4 years ago

    It is an utter disgrace that every time this subcommittee convenes, it ignores what the community is saying. There is no way we can believe this council isn’t complicit to the racism and violence of the PPD when too many times you have ignored the blatant evidence right in your face. You know exactly what you’re doing when you vote to increase their inflated budget and reimburse them for “riots” that never happened. You are as responsible as they are for the violence they inflict on people.

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    Tara LowmanRojas about 4 years ago

    Every response the City has made in the past 5 years has been inadequate and has helped police to hide their behavior. The City has failed to root out the culture of racism that is present within Phoenix PD. City Council Members are accomplices in this criminal behavior and in the victimization of our community. Drop all protest charges immediately and fire the white supremacist cops involved.

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    Zach McHenry about 4 years ago

    Dogs gotta bark, and fish gotta swim. Now that we've resolved that pressing matter, I agree with the vast majority of comments presented here. Racist, fascist, neo-Nazi rhetoric and symbolism can not be ignored or tolerated, least of all in positions of authority and power. Civil rights activists are not gang members--Gross injustices have been clearly identified--Facts are facts. The city council is called to action, the worst of humanity must not continue to be empowered and emboldened.

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    Mary Ettner about 4 years ago

    Why is City Council talking about barking dogs while citizens are facing false gang charges brought by white supremacist cops on the Brady list? These cops are lying under oath to pursue felony charges while sharing coins with Neo-Nazi slogans. In 2017, Black-led orgs told you these people were racist. Last year they told you that we needed an independent investigative agency. You ignored them. Actually listen to Black-led orgs and fire all involved cops and drop all protest charges immediately.

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    KathyBrie Tompkins Ramirez about 4 years ago

    This agenda should look wildly different! We should be talking about tactical unit that is operating as a neo-nazi gang and distributing a violent challenge coin that celebrates not only violence but facist massaging. It is despicable that this news comes out about such egregious misconduct and you are talking about this utter nonsense. Nowakowski, we know you are leaving soon and clearly don’t care about the community, but this is pathetic. #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Corey Caulkins about 4 years ago

    Given the incredibly disturbing reporting this past weekend exposing links to neo-nazis within Phoenix PD and the continuation of political prosecutions, it’s baffling to me that the first item on this agenda would not address either of these atrocities. We expect the city council to hold the police accountable when they are out of line - why aren’t you doing your jobs? Barking dogs are not a priority right now, and shame on you for ignoring massive systemic issues within PPD.

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    Sushil Rao about 4 years ago

    Every response the City has made in the past 5 years has been inadequate and has helped police to hide their behavior. The City has failed to root out the culture of racism that is present within Phoenix PD. City Council Members are accomplices in this criminal behavior and in the victimization of our community. Drop all protest charges immediately and fire the white supremacist cops involved.
    Especially Ben Moore.

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    Reydan Freitas about 4 years ago

    Why is City Council talking about barking dogs while citizens are facing false gang charges brought by white supremacist cops on the Brady list? These cops are lying under oath to pursue felony charges while sharing coins with Neo-Nazi slogans. In 2017, Black-led orgs told you these people were racist. Last year they told you that we needed an independent investigative agency. You ignored them. Actually listen to Black-led orgs and fire all involved cops and drop all protest charges immediately.

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    Patricia Pagliuca about 4 years ago

    Barking dog complaints!? We should be talking about PPD’s tacitical unit that is operating as a neo-nazi gang and colluding with MCAO to destroy lives with false charges! We elected you to do a job, when you talk about barking dogs and not political prosecution it is offensive and proves you are out of touch and FAILING to do your job! So we will come to every meeting and tell you you are failing, you must do better, and you MUST LISTEN to us. #DroptheChargesMCAO #EndPoliticalProsecutions