Meeting Time: February 10, 2021 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

2 City of Phoenix Barking Dog Complaint Process

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    Hana Hehman almost 4 years ago

    After this weekend’s reporting exposing Neo-Nazis within Phoenix PD, City Council is sitting here today to talk about barking dogs. This is disgusting. City Council is complicit in the gross misconduct and brutality of the most violent police force in the nation. The political prosecutions that these white supremacist cops have been involved in must be thrown out now. All of the cops involved must be fired immediately and ALL charges against protestors must be dropped today.

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    Tina Luna almost 4 years ago

    Council, are you going to do anything about these Neo-Nazis celebrating their violence against protestors by passing around a challenge coin? You didn’t when Black-led orgs told you these white extremists were dangerous in 2017. You didn’t when their hate speech Facebook group was exposed. You didn’t when these same cops who admitted to having the coin 4 years ago targeted and arrested protestors then colluded with MCAO to lie under oath that they were a gang. Are you going to do something now?