Thank you for listening and responding positively by supporting first responders, infrastructure, and so many more people projects in this years planning.
I support the revised budget and public safety, and absolutely oppose defunding our police. This budget provides for important community needs as well as continues to fund our police department. We can do both, despite what the anti-cop crowd demands. Also, a huge thank you for allocating $$$ for the two long-awaited neighborhood parks in Laveen, and a thank you in advance to council members for your support!
I applaud the inclusion of $2.8M for Climate Change and Heat Readiness initiatives to increase the community’s capacity to prepare for and respond to both extreme heat events and the increasing frequency of high temperature days; increase shade canopy and ensure equitable distribution of City services. I support and hope to see the investment in climate, sustainability, environmental and equity leadership and programs continue as a permanent and critical part of the City’s operations
All the stuff mentioned in the Public Safety Reforms, sounds like a normal week for a Citizen Oversight of the Police process given the authority to carry them out. The OAT/COP is not anti-police, it’s Pro-Police, Good Policing. $20.5M for a one-time review by independent experts when you could have them on retainer, as employee's, if the OAT were funded, is not cost effective. That is why the OAT needs to be funded.
Si Se Puede Neighborhood Association, Estamos necesitando un Centro Comunitario para fomentar la union familiar e involucrar a los jovenes y familias en general en las actividades educativas, fisicas y artisticas, ya que de esta manera podemos lograr alejar a nuestros jovenes de la drogadiccion y el alcoholismo, manteniendolos ocupados en actividades productivas y al mismo tiempo lograr una comunidad segura y educada.
We need to have a community center and we want to know if the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation and the Planning and Development Department have conducted a recent study that reflects the increase in population growth and housing in the Southwest Valley within Estrella Village area. Since the closest Community Center is over 5 miles away.
Thank you for including funding in the City Manager's Proposed Budget for additional staff for the Pueblo Grande Museum. I appreciate that the City Manager's Proposed Budget maintains the funds previously proposed in the Trial Budget for Climate Change & Heat Readiness, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Office of Environmental Programs, and the Office of Arts & Culture. These investments will improve our city’s resilience, public health, economy, and residents' quality of life.
Si Se Puede Neighborhood Association, necesitamos tener un Centro Comunitario y queremos saber si el Departamento de Parques y el Departamento de Planificacion y Desarrollo de la Ciudad de Phoenix han echo un estudio que refleje el incremento de poblacion y vivienda en el Suroeste de Phoenix en el area de Estrella Village, ya que el Centro Comunitario mas cercano nos queda a una distacia aproximada de 5 millas.
Si Se Puede Neighborhood Association, reviso el reporte y no refleja de donde vienen los fondos para el circulador por el que estamos abogando en Estrella Village. Queremos saber si los fondos para este proyecto van a salir del Departamento de Transporte?
Si Se Puede Neighborhood Association, se opone al presepuesto del Administrador de la Ciudad porque no incluye ni tampoco considera la construccion de un centro comunitario en el Suroeste de Phoenix en el area de Estrella Village.
The City of Phoenix does not need to give more money to the Police department. The City needs a crisis assistance program that is independent of the police, fire department and ICE. The Police dept does not help reduce crime, community services do. We need to reallocate funds that will directly impact our communities. Adopt a NOCAP program.
The Phoenix Police Department does not need or deserve more funding. I oppose this budget and believe money from the police department should be put into the community, specifically the community-centric NOCAP program. Stop ignoring the needs and demands of Black and directly impacted leadership.
Mayor, Council, City Manager, and Staff. Unit 5, The United Phoenix Firefighters Association, representing 1650 Firefighters who serve the residents of Phoenix, support this Budget proposal. Fellow labor unions continued into the fact-finding phase of negotiations and we are in full support of the fact finder's recommendations. Unit 5 urges the Mayor and Council to continue with the past practice of keeping the incentive pay for labor units who accepted the City's signing incentive.
Item 1: The Si Se Puede Neighborhood Association opposes the City Manager’s Proposed Budget because it does not include the construction or consideration of a community center in the southwest area of Estrella Village.
Where do I begin to explain how much I oppose this self-serving, obnoxious, money grab of a budget proposal? People of color and others unlucky enough to have contact with Phoenix PD are being killed with no consequence to the perpetrators of this senseless violence. And you, Council Members, are equally responsible for their deaths. You enable this racist, sexist and classist institution by feeding it a yearly diet of taxpayer dollars. Have you no shame? DO NOT PASS THIS BUDGET.
Item 1: The Si Se Puede Neighborhood Association opposes the CityManager’s Proposed budget because it does not include the cost estimate for a new circulator for Estrella Village. Nor does the document specify if the Transit Budget will fund the cost of the service.
I can’t support a budget that gives more money to police. Please support a crisis assistance program that meets the NOCAP demands. Investing in people instead of policing benefits the community as a whole.
Please support a crisis assistance program that meets the NOCAP demands. The city needs to establish a crisis assistance program that is fully funded, independent of law enforcement, and has direct community oversight.
Abby Dunton, Farmington Park Block Watch
almost 4 years ago
On behalf of the District 7 residents living in Tolleson, we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks & support for the funding toward the construction of our 87th Ave. & Lower Buckeye park. For 20 long years, a rusty dilapidated sign stood reading: "Future Home of a City of Phoenix Park." We pushed our babies in strollers past this sign; now our children drive past it on their way to college. At least the next generation will no longer have to endure 20 more years of this dirt lot eyesore.
I am asking that the city establish a crisis assistance program that is fully funded, independent of law enforcement, and has direct community oversight. I'm asking that the Phoenix City Council to support a crisis assistance program that meets the NOCAP (Neighborhood-Organized Crisis Assistance Program) demands.
Thank you for listening and responding positively by supporting first responders, infrastructure, and so many more people projects in this years planning.
I support the revised budget and public safety, and absolutely oppose defunding our police. This budget provides for important community needs as well as continues to fund our police department. We can do both, despite what the anti-cop crowd demands. Also, a huge thank you for allocating $$$ for the two long-awaited neighborhood parks in Laveen, and a thank you in advance to council members for your support!
I applaud the inclusion of $2.8M for Climate Change and Heat Readiness initiatives to increase the community’s capacity to prepare for and respond to both extreme heat events and the increasing frequency of high temperature days; increase shade canopy and ensure equitable distribution of City services. I support and hope to see the investment in climate, sustainability, environmental and equity leadership and programs continue as a permanent and critical part of the City’s operations
All the stuff mentioned in the Public Safety Reforms, sounds like a normal week for a Citizen Oversight of the Police process given the authority to carry them out. The OAT/COP is not anti-police, it’s Pro-Police, Good Policing. $20.5M for a one-time review by independent experts when you could have them on retainer, as employee's, if the OAT were funded, is not cost effective. That is why the OAT needs to be funded.
Si Se Puede Neighborhood Association, Estamos necesitando un Centro Comunitario para fomentar la union familiar e involucrar a los jovenes y familias en general en las actividades educativas, fisicas y artisticas, ya que de esta manera podemos lograr alejar a nuestros jovenes de la drogadiccion y el alcoholismo, manteniendolos ocupados en actividades productivas y al mismo tiempo lograr una comunidad segura y educada.
We need to have a community center and we want to know if the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation and the Planning and Development Department have conducted a recent study that reflects the increase in population growth and housing in the Southwest Valley within Estrella Village area. Since the closest Community Center is over 5 miles away.
Thank you for including funding in the City Manager's Proposed Budget for additional staff for the Pueblo Grande Museum. I appreciate that the City Manager's Proposed Budget maintains the funds previously proposed in the Trial Budget for Climate Change & Heat Readiness, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Office of Environmental Programs, and the Office of Arts & Culture. These investments will improve our city’s resilience, public health, economy, and residents' quality of life.
Si Se Puede Neighborhood Association, necesitamos tener un Centro Comunitario y queremos saber si el Departamento de Parques y el Departamento de Planificacion y Desarrollo de la Ciudad de Phoenix han echo un estudio que refleje el incremento de poblacion y vivienda en el Suroeste de Phoenix en el area de Estrella Village, ya que el Centro Comunitario mas cercano nos queda a una distacia aproximada de 5 millas.
Si Se Puede Neighborhood Association, reviso el reporte y no refleja de donde vienen los fondos para el circulador por el que estamos abogando en Estrella Village. Queremos saber si los fondos para este proyecto van a salir del Departamento de Transporte?
Si Se Puede Neighborhood Association, se opone al presepuesto del Administrador de la Ciudad porque no incluye ni tampoco considera la construccion de un centro comunitario en el Suroeste de Phoenix en el area de Estrella Village.
The City of Phoenix does not need to give more money to the Police department. The City needs a crisis assistance program that is independent of the police, fire department and ICE. The Police dept does not help reduce crime, community services do. We need to reallocate funds that will directly impact our communities. Adopt a NOCAP program.
The Phoenix Police Department does not need or deserve more funding. I oppose this budget and believe money from the police department should be put into the community, specifically the community-centric NOCAP program. Stop ignoring the needs and demands of Black and directly impacted leadership.
Mayor, Council, City Manager, and Staff. Unit 5, The United Phoenix Firefighters Association, representing 1650 Firefighters who serve the residents of Phoenix, support this Budget proposal. Fellow labor unions continued into the fact-finding phase of negotiations and we are in full support of the fact finder's recommendations. Unit 5 urges the Mayor and Council to continue with the past practice of keeping the incentive pay for labor units who accepted the City's signing incentive.
Item 1: The Si Se Puede Neighborhood Association opposes the City Manager’s Proposed Budget because it does not include the construction or consideration of a community center in the southwest area of Estrella Village.
Where do I begin to explain how much I oppose this self-serving, obnoxious, money grab of a budget proposal? People of color and others unlucky enough to have contact with Phoenix PD are being killed with no consequence to the perpetrators of this senseless violence. And you, Council Members, are equally responsible for their deaths. You enable this racist, sexist and classist institution by feeding it a yearly diet of taxpayer dollars. Have you no shame? DO NOT PASS THIS BUDGET.
Item 1: The Si Se Puede Neighborhood Association opposes the CityManager’s Proposed budget because it does not include the cost estimate for a new circulator for Estrella Village. Nor does the document specify if the Transit Budget will fund the cost of the service.
I can’t support a budget that gives more money to police. Please support a crisis assistance program that meets the NOCAP demands. Investing in people instead of policing benefits the community as a whole.
Please support a crisis assistance program that meets the NOCAP demands. The city needs to establish a crisis assistance program that is fully funded, independent of law enforcement, and has direct community oversight.
On behalf of the District 7 residents living in Tolleson, we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks & support for the funding toward the construction of our 87th Ave. & Lower Buckeye park. For 20 long years, a rusty dilapidated sign stood reading: "Future Home of a City of Phoenix Park." We pushed our babies in strollers past this sign; now our children drive past it on their way to college. At least the next generation will no longer have to endure 20 more years of this dirt lot eyesore.
I am asking that the city establish a crisis assistance program that is fully funded, independent of law enforcement, and has direct community oversight. I'm asking that the Phoenix City Council to support a crisis assistance program that meets the NOCAP (Neighborhood-Organized Crisis Assistance Program) demands.