Please listen to the Vice Mayor's position on this and put in no more than 46 lots. It should be less. The agreement worked out with the community still disproportionately favors the applicant. We all spent a lot of time putting the breaks on this runaway freight train of development. It is still rolling thru our community too fast, but the houses will be better than the dangerous, wholly unregulated, off road (ATV) jamboree pit the police let happen there every weekend.
STRONGLY OPPOSE. CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW GOVERNMENT IS INFRINGING ON OUR RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ENJOYMENT. . . there has to be a human compassion connection and NOT a dictator environment
During the June 2 Council meeting, you will be hearing two separate cases which are located at the NWC of 35th Avenue and Carver Road, in Laveen. I respectfully request that you support the community, LVPC, LCRD and Vice Mayor Garcia with these cases.
I request that you APPROVE Item 125 (the 46 LOT PLAN) PUD Z-60-20-8 AS RECOMMENDED by the Laveen Village Planning Committee in April 2021
I Request that you DENY Item 126: PHO-1-19-Z-165-06-7(8)
This proposition shouldn't even exist. Per a prior zoning agreement, they had a set period of time to be able to utilize that zoning and they did not before the time allotment elapsed. This should all have reverted back. All of this dragging on and on and meetings and all that should not have even happened. This should have been thrown out over a year ago. Apparently the rules don't apply to some people.
This area is ENTIRELY 1 house per acre and we need to KEEP IT THAT WAY.
Please listen to the Vice Mayor's position on this and put in no more than 46 lots. It should be less. The agreement worked out with the community still disproportionately favors the applicant. We all spent a lot of time putting the breaks on this runaway freight train of development. It is still rolling thru our community too fast, but the houses will be better than the dangerous, wholly unregulated, off road (ATV) jamboree pit the police let happen there every weekend.
STRONGLY OPPOSE. CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW GOVERNMENT IS INFRINGING ON OUR RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ENJOYMENT. . . there has to be a human compassion connection and NOT a dictator environment
During the June 2 Council meeting, you will be hearing two separate cases which are located at the NWC of 35th Avenue and Carver Road, in Laveen. I respectfully request that you support the community, LVPC, LCRD and Vice Mayor Garcia with these cases.
I request that you APPROVE Item 125 (the 46 LOT PLAN) PUD Z-60-20-8 AS RECOMMENDED by the Laveen Village Planning Committee in April 2021
I Request that you DENY Item 126: PHO-1-19-Z-165-06-7(8)
Dan Penton
I grew up in this area and still live here and I oppose this.
I live in this rural residential area and I oppose this!
This proposition shouldn't even exist. Per a prior zoning agreement, they had a set period of time to be able to utilize that zoning and they did not before the time allotment elapsed. This should all have reverted back. All of this dragging on and on and meetings and all that should not have even happened. This should have been thrown out over a year ago. Apparently the rules don't apply to some people.
This area is ENTIRELY 1 house per acre and we need to KEEP IT THAT WAY.