Meeting Time: July 01, 2021 at 10:00am MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

73 Ordinance for the Acquisition of Real Property Located at 100 W. Washington St., 101 W. Adams St., and 303 N. 2nd Ave. (Ordinance S-47831)

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    Alex Johnson over 3 years ago

    Have you seen the studies showing more funding to police doesn't actually help with crime? You either have and don't care or you haven't and aren't doing your job. The police are over funded. They don't need anything more. Why not use that money to actually help people? There are unsheltered folks left out in the record heat. Rent prices are skyrocketing. People are hurting and struggling and dying and your focus is on.... Helping a corrupt, violent, and racist system... It's infuriating.

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    Kayleigh Lambert over 3 years ago

    The people have told you time and time again that we don't want more money going toward police. Fund our communities instead, we are in the middle of a pandemic.

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    dianne post over 3 years ago

    Time and time again the Phoenix police have proven how corrupt and violent they are and how immune to any control including you city council. People have suffered from COVID, many have already been evicted, many more face evictions when the moratorium expires in the heat of the summer. You have money to help from the feds and haven't allocated it. So people will die from heat, from inability to access health care, and from the police. Do NOT or reward this violent and lawless police force.

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    Amanda Salvione over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose using our community resources to acquire & build out a new headquarters. Especially when we had another unsheltered person die down the street and have numerous families struggling with increased rent & lack of affordable housing. Approving this measure would signify city council cares far more about expanding government control of society than actually cultivating a healthy & safe community for everyone

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    Amber Gore over 3 years ago

    FY22 is upon us. Residents need eviction help now, not in August or later. Phoenix needs to be a leader and help residents before situations become dangerous with housing insecurity and the heat. I am apposed to the acquisition of the proposed building asset. Please allocate more than $10 mil to helping your residents, the need and deserve housing help and social services. A building for the police can wait. I appose the acquisition.

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    Alexandria Loda over 3 years ago

    I join my fellow Phoenicians in strongly opposing item 73. Our community desperately needs resources for the underserved, affordable housing and an investment in our infrastructure and education. The already well funded PHX PD has been proven to be dishonest in a court of law and the most deadly in America. Our community deserves better than 50 billion dollars invested in PHX PD. Please consider reallocating these funds to the community.

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    April McCue over 3 years ago

    I Strongly oppose item 73. The community and your tax payers don’t want you to keep wasting their money. We demand you defund the police, and stop making more excuses to shovel money their way.

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    Leslie Adams over 3 years ago

    I strong oppose this. There is no need for a new PD HQ. The money is better spent on the community. Many of the unhoused community at this time is at high risk of dying on the streets during our summers. The focus should be on how to help them. The budget for the police department is already so bloated. Please don't spend anymore money on them.

    Please think of the community that is still suffering from the pandemic as well.

    NO to this proposal.

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    Anita Nath over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose this item. This money should be spent in service of the community, not put towards the police that routinely terrorize the community.

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    Regina Reyes over 3 years ago

    I strong oppose this. There is no need for a new PD HQ. The money is better spent on the community. Many of the unhoused community at this time is at high risk of dying on the streets during our summers. The focus should be on how to help them. The budget for the police department is already so bloated. Please don't spend anymore money on them.

    Please think of the community that is still suffering from the pandemic as well.

    NO to this proposal.

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    Evelyn Rivas over 3 years ago

    I am strongly opposed to any funds being used for the purchasing of any new buildings for the police department. Our tax money would better serve to aid the unhoused population (especially during the infernal summer), public education, and fixing the city’s poor infrastructure. An amount like $50 million cannot be justified when only $10 million of a $200 million federal relief fund was used for rent/mortgage relief. Use our tax money for the community!

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    Shardul Shetye over 3 years ago

    You really want to spend $50m? Is that money burning a hole in your pocket? Well then, a wise decision might be to expand public services, fix roads, and provide counseling to the city’s sick and homeless people. Perhaps instead of funding a group with a history of racism and extortion, you should send these funds towards education and healthcare. Raise the bottom line, and remember that preventative maintenance is always more effective than reactionary maintenance.

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    MK Zeeb over 3 years ago

    no. this is the people's money. housing for all. now.

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    Helen Mendizabal over 3 years ago

    After all that has been exposed: Nazi challenge coins, outrageously false gang charges, cops lying under oath, and a judge saying that a key sergeant was found to have been engaged in “egregious misconduct”--just to name a few. I oppose rewarding one of the most deadly police forces in the nation with a new building that will cost 45.5 MILLION, all while we continue to lose unsheltered neighbors in the streets. People are not disposable, Council.

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    Estevan Sanchez over 3 years ago

    This proposal is severely misguided. Why give money and more resources to an already over compensated department like the police? Use those funds to provide relief to our population without access to shelter and resources to survive the summer heat.

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    Lily Villa over 3 years ago

    Do NOT support building another police headquarters. This is a waste of our tax payer dollars! Use this money fir COVID relief and cooling centers for unhoused people. We cannot waste this money when our unhoused population is increasing and dying of heat morbidity.

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    Ciera Savage over 3 years ago

    It is an outright and gross misuse of funding to use 500 million dollars to build a new police headquarters for the Phoenix Metro Police department. Redirect funds to helping citizens, not rewarding the deadliest police force in the nation. Train social workers to help those police officers continuously murder. Pay constituents rent during one of the highest unemployment periods in our state.

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    Xyra Flores over 3 years ago

    Después de un año de protestas en contra del departamento de policías más violento en la nación, el consejo de Phoenix quiere gastar $50 millones para comprarles a los policías una nueva sede. Este dinero debería sumarse a los $10 millones que la ciudad planea gastar en asistencia para alquiler / servicios públicos e hipoteca. ¡Pongan este dinero en manos de la gente, no de asesinos!

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    Jisoo Kim over 3 years ago

    The City does not have a surplus of property. It has unhoused families and individuals and more who will be unhoused once the moratorium has ended. City Council gets to go home for their summer break. Many of us will have no home. We will lose our few possessions and be exposed to the extreme desert heat. Some of us will not survive. Prioritize people over property. Vote to release funds directly to residents before your break. No new building for the police until there is housing for all.

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    Cameron Knouse over 3 years ago

    After a year of protests against the most violent cops in the nation, City Council wants to spend $50 million to buy the cops a new headquarters. This is a slap in the face to everyone who has exercised their rights in the streets and in these meetings over the past year. This money should instead be added to the only $10 million the city plans to spend on Rent/Utility and Mortgage Assistance. Put this money in the hands of people, not murderers!