Meeting Time: July 01, 2021 at 10:00am MST
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Agenda Item

73 Ordinance for the Acquisition of Real Property Located at 100 W. Washington St., 101 W. Adams St., and 303 N. 2nd Ave. (Ordinance S-47831)

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    Hana Hehman over 3 years ago

    City Council is going on vacation next week. They’ve told us they won’t get around to planning how to distribute the $10 million in Rent/Utility and Mortgage Assistance they’ve set aside, but they do have plenty of time to spend $50 million on a new headquarters for the most violent cops in the nation. This is where City Council’s priorities lie. They don’t care about the thousands of evictions that are affecting the people of this city, they only care about protecting their violent lap dogs.

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    Alfredo Campillo over 3 years ago

    It’s not fair do a police department that was exposed conspiring against innocent protesters to receive a new building. Pages like “blmphxmetro” with more than 30K followers it’s a clear proof that the people are not being pleased with this kind of government decisions. The government should fear the people, not the other way around. Because a democratic nation is ruled by the people and represented by government. Do your job and be loyal to the representation that fellow Americans demand.

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    Hernan Villegas over 3 years ago

    I am strongly opposed to these funds being used for the purpose of purchasing the property located at 100 W Washington St. 101 W. Adams St, and 303 N 2nd. The Phoenix police already has an overinflated budget, their own building, and continue to be one of deadliest police forces in all the nation. These murders should not be allowed to access additional resources to continue terrorizing the community. I urge the City Council to instead allocate these funds towards affordable housing instead.

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    jessica camacho over 3 years ago

    This proposal is unnecessary. Funds should be redirected to aiding community resources.
    For example take the Maryvale community community center. All around the community center are constituents that need assistance. Mental health and living resources are greatly needed in my area. Police do not require a new HQ. I demand this to be reconsidered.

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    Dominic Amodio over 3 years ago

    Please vote No

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    Mary Kate Nacke over 3 years ago

    I am very strongly opposed to using these funds for a new police building. They already have a headquarters and are over-funded. I would love to see these funds be directed toward services and shelter for the unhoused community.

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    Sonali Madahar over 3 years ago

    The Phoenix police already has a headquarters to work from, my tax dollars do not need to pay for even more resources to the most funded department. These funds would be better spent to help aid our unhoused neighbors and create more affordable housing in the area, to fix our city’s weak infrastructure, as well as towards public education and sustainable solutions to the climate crises we all face.

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    Tyler Heathcock over 3 years ago

    I would like my tax dollars to go to something more useful like funding public education farther, expanding teach salaries, helping the unhoused population, fixing infrastructure. The list goes on. The Phoenix PD has a very capable headquarters as it stands and doesn’t need anymore resources to complete its work in a timely and A LESS LETHAL MANOR.